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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Geology Practice Solved Question Paper

Geology Practice Solved Question Paper
Hydro-Geology Model Test Paper

Q.1: Karst terrain is characterized by:
a) Solution channels.
b) Closed depressions.
c) Sinkholes and caves.
d) All the above.

Q.2: The ground water storage is determined by the:
a) Topographic features in the area.
b) Position of water table.
c) Soil type in the area.
d) Rainfall in the area.

Q.3: The essential requirements of groundwater body formation in any terrain condition are:
a) Presence of storage space in rocks and structural basined control.
b) Presence of storage space in rocks and topographic control. `
c) Topographic and stratigraphic controls and structural basined control.
d) Presence of storage space in rocks and structural basin, topographic, and stratigraphic

Q.4 : Clay is an example of :
a) Aquifer
b) Aquitard
c) Aquiclude
d) Aquifuge

Q.5: Mark the correct statement about rhyolites and basalts:
a) Rhyolites are more permeable than basalt.
b) Rhyolite and basalts, both are same permeable.
c) Rhyolites are less permeable than basalt.
d) Both may be classified as the good aquifer.

Q.6: For an aquifer, having piezometric surface ln it, the term can be used:
a) Confined aquifer.
b) Artesian aquifer.
c) Pressure aquifer.
d) All the above.

Q.7: Flow lines are:
a) At right angles to the tangent of the equipotential lines.
b) Parallel to the equipotential lines.
c) Oblique to the equipotential lines.
d) None of these.

Q.8: Perched aquifer occurs:
a) in zone of saturation
b) In zone of aeration.
c) in prelatic zone.
d) Below water table.

Q.9: An Imaginary surface coinciding with the hydrostatic pressure level of the water in the
Confined aquifer less known as:
a) Water table.
b) Atmospheric pressure level.
c) Piezometric surface.
d) Barometric level.

Q10: “A confined aquifer becomes an unconfined aquifer when the piezometric surface falls
Below the bottom of the upper confining bed", the statement is:
a) Incorrect.
b) Correct.
c) Doubtful.
d) Incomplete.

Q11: Insulated streams are those streams which:
a) Contribute water to the groundwater.
b) Gain water from the ground water sources.
c) Neither loss water nor gain water from the groundwater sources.
d) None of these.

Q.12: Perennial streams in non - rainy periods behave as:
a) Influent streams.
b) Insulated streams.
C) Effluent streams.
d) All the three.

Q.13: An idealized aquifer should be:
a) Homogeneous.
b) Isotropic.
c) Homogeneous and isotropic.
d) Homogeneous and anisotropic.

Q.14 : Storage coefficient equals specific yield In the case of :
a) Confined aquifer.
b) Unconfined aquifer.
c) Both confined and unconfined aquifers.
d) Artesian aquifer.

Q.15: Springs formed where the ground surface intersects-the water table, are called
a) Contact springs.
b) Artesian springs.
c) Depression springs.

Q.16: Hot springs are known as:
a) Mud pots.
b) Fumaroles.
c) Geysers.
d) None of these.

Q.17: which of the following form good aquifers:
a) Weathered granites.
b) Phyllite.
c) Shale.
d) Gravel.

Q.16: The intrinsic permeability is mainly applied in:
a) Groundwater theories.
b) Petroleum and natural gas industries.
c) Both groundwater and petroleum industries.
d) Groundwater and sea water theories.
Q.17: The approximate average permeability of gravel is:
a) 41.0 m/day
b) 4100.0 m/day.
c) 410.0 m/day
d) 4.10 m/day.
Q.18: .................. indicate regions of groundwater recharge and.............. associated with groundwater discharge :
a) Concave contours / Convex contours.
b) Convex contours/ Concave contours.
c) Concave contours/ Concave contours.
d) Convex contours/ convex contours.
Q..19: Groundwater boundary exists where:
a) There is a flow across a water table.
b) The inflow and outflow are equal.
c) There is no flow crosses a water table.
d) Groundwater boundary exists at any condition mentioned above.
Q.20: Residual drawdown is related to:
a) Recovery of groundwater.
b) Loss of groundwater.
c) No change in groundwater.
d) All of these.

Q.21: ln gamma ray log method the gamma radiations is general increases with:
a) Increasing quartz contents.
b) Decreasing clay contents.
c) Increasing clay contents.
d) Increasing calcareous contents.
Q.22 : ln electrical resistivity method, used for groundwater investigation, a current is generated In the field of frequency :
a) Less than 1 cycle per second.
b) Less than 5 cycles per second.
c) More than 5 cycles per second.
d) More than 10 cycles per second.
Q.23 : Study flow implies that :
a) No change occurs with time in the aquifer.
b) Change occurs with time in the aquifer.
c) Change in the aquifer depends upon the aquifer characteristics.
d) None of these.
Q.24: A well through which water is added to an aquifer is called:
a) Discharge well.
b) Pumping well.
c) Qantas.
d) Recharging well.
Q.25: When the aquifer is heterogeneous the screen should be installed:
a) ln the most permeable portion of the aquifer.
b) Throughout the aquifer.
c) ln the upper portion of the aquifer.
d) In the lower portion of the aquifer.

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