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Friday, November 25, 2011

Psychology Model Test Paper

Psychology Model Test Paper
Practice Test Paper Psychology
1. The formula T8 = M8 × P8 × I8 represents—
(A) Atkinson’s motive to avoid failure
(B) Atkinson’s achievement motivation
(C) Atkinson’s motive for power
(D) Atkinson’s motive to seek success.
Ans. (D)

2. The most controlled conflict by people in the society is—
(A) Approach-approach conflict
(B) Approach-avoidance conflict
(C) Avoidance-avoidance conflict
(D) Multiple approach-avoidance conflict
Ans. (B)

3. The desire to be with one’s own kind of is termed as—
(A) Sympathy
(B) Self-preservation
(C) Gregariousness
(D) Identification
Ans. (C)

4. An innate mechanism that ensures that the young animal will follow and remain close to the mother (normally the
first moving object it sees) is called—
(A) Imprinting
(B) Intrinsic motivation
(C) Instinct
(D) Influence
Ans. (A)

5. A five year old girl is sent to her grandparents because a new child is born. There she starts thumb sucking and she continues
this behavior for many years this is described by—
(A) Neurotic need
(B) Innate need
(C) Hunger need
(D) Need for attention
Ans. (D)

6. The pecking order among barnyard fowls pertains to the motive called—
(A) Self assertion
(B) Aggression
(C) Pugnacity
(D) Gregariousness
Ans. (A)

7. Social learning theory stresses on the importance of—
(A) Models
(B) Self-regulatory process
(C) Cognitive process
(D) All of the above
Ans. (D)

8. If someone battles to defend the rights of an ‘underdog’, he is manifesting—
(A) Hostile aggression
(B) Power motive
(C) Instrumental aggression
(D) Affiliation motive
Ans. (C)

9. All of the following are correct about drive theory of motivation except—
(A) It has been totally discarded by modern psychologists.
(B) It is probably the most thoroughly developed theory of motivation
(C) It has grown out of the work of Clark Hull
(D) It has been expanded by Spencer, Miller, Brown.
Ans. (A)

10. A grief-stricken person gets a feeling of—
(A) Worthlessness
(B) External loss
(C) Inadequacy
(D) Personal inadequacy
Ans. (B)

11. When a person is hungry and sleepy at the same time, he experiences—
(A) Approach-avoidance conflict
(B) Avoidance-avoidance conflict
(C) Double Approach-avoidance conflict
(D) Approach-approach conflict
Ans. (D)

12. Which of the following is not one of the main causes of frustration?
(A) Environmental obstacles
(B) Aggression
(C) Conflict between and among motives
(D) Personal inadequacies
Ans. (B)

13. When both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibres are connected to the same muscle or gland—
(A) They usually acts in opposite manners
(B) They are mutually exclusive
(C) They may be active at once, and in some cases they act together in sequence
(D) Both (A) and (C) are true.
Ans. (D)

14. All of the following are correct about S — R psychologists except—
(A) All behavior is stimulus directed whether the stimulus comes from within the organism or outside
(B) Motivation is an urge to act which results from a stimulus
(C) Behavior is a function of total stimulus, i.e., man interacting with the environment
(D) Since behavior is stimulus—directed it is not related to purpose of any kind
Ans. (C)

15. A two or three year old child wants to lift a heavy weight, makes a loud noise, snatches the toy from the hand of another child.
This may be due to all of the following except—
(A) Mastery motive
(B) Self-assertion motive
(C) Ego-expansion
(D) Hereditary tendency
Ans. (D)

16. The following disorder does not have, a psychosomatic basis—
(A) Asthma
(B) Serum hepatitis
(C) Dermatitis
(D) Obesity
Ans. (B)

17. Pleasure is a reaction to—
(A) Removal of a pain stimulus
(B) Environmental stimulus
(C) Change in the level of adrenaline
(D) Satisfaction of a motive
Ans. (D)

18. The following are important in dealing with stress—
(A) Adrenal glands
(B) Sympathetic system
(C) Pituitary gland
(D) All of the above
Ans. (D)

19. Which is not a secondary source of drives according to drive theory?
(A) Fear
(B) Need for recognition
(C) Need for building, social relationships
(D) Pain avoidance
Ans. (D)

20. Which of the following is not the claim of the drive theorist?
(A) That every infant is born with certain fixed ideas or intent ions called motives.
(B) That human organism acquires its personality through social learning
(C) That the infant is born with no motives in the sense of wanting some things
(D) That the infant is born with only an innate equipment to have experience and learn
Ans. (A)

21. Give the right sequence of hierarchical needs—
(1) Esteem
(2) Self-actualization
(3) Physiological
(4) Safety
(5) Love and belongingness
(A) 3, 4, 5, 2, 1
(C) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2
(B) 3, 4, 5, 1, 2
(D) 4, 2, 5, 1, 2
Ans. (B)

22. Individual difference in motives and emotions are due to all of the following except—
(A) Heredity
(B) Age
(C) Learning process
(D) Parent-child relationship
Ans. (D)

23. Most primary emotions are closely related to—
(A) Degree of arousal
(B) Learning
(C) Attention
(D) Perception
Ans. (A)

24. Schacter—Singer theory is—
(A) Not a theory of emotions
(B) Neurobiological theory of emotions
(C) Cognitive theory of emotions
(D) Psychoanalytic theory of emotions
Ans. (C)

25. In contract to feelings like pressure, fear, etc. mood is—
(A) Episodic emotional feeling
(B) Relatively long-lasting emotional tone
(C) Relatively short-lived emotional feeling
(D) Caused by specific situations
Ans. (B)

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