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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Psychology MCQ Solved Test

Psychology MCQ Solved Test
Free Online Psychology Paper

1. ___ are methods for coping with stress.
(a) Relaxation training
(b) Hypnosis
(c) Biofeedback and systematic desensitization
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)

2. The conflict can be affected by
(a) Religious scruples
(b) Loss of self-control
(c) Search for companionship
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)

3. A body of words, or symbols and rules for combining them that is used for communication and thought and is understood
        by  a sizable community is _______.
(a) Concept
(b) Language
(c) Muscular imagery
(d) Image
Ans. (b)

4. Sometimes an___ conflict is resolved by refusing to select either alternative or in some way evading the choice.
(a) Approach-approach
(b) Approach-avoidance
(c) Avoidance-avoidance
(d) Multiple approach-avoidance
Ans. (b)

5. When circumstances block direct attack on the cause of frustration aggression may be
(a) Repressed
(b) Displaced
(c) Regressed
(d) Suppressed
Ans. (b)

6. _____ is the process of classifying information into meaningful categories.
(a) Concept
(b) Conjunctive concept
(c) Relational concept
(d) Concept formation
Ans. (d)

7. The___ theory approach focuses not on internal conflicts but on ways in which anxiety becomes associated with certain situations
      via learning.
(a) Learning
(b) Psychoanalytic
(c) Humanistic
(d) Cognitive
Ans. (a)

8. The most primitive defense against external threat is
(a) Reaction formation
(b) Denial of reality
(c) Rationalization
(d) Displacement
Ans. (b)

9. “A motor cycle must have two wheels and an engine and handle bars” is an example of
(a) Conjunctive concept
(b) Disjunctive concept
(c) Relational concept
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)

10. Who among the following believed that repression of certain childhood impulses is universal?
(a) Jung
(b) Adler
(c) Freud
(d) Horney
Ans. (c)

11. Which of the following is a major source of frustration between two opposing motives?
(a) Approach
(b) Avoidance
(c) Conflict
(d) Repression
Ans. (c)

12. “In the game of baseball, a strike is either a swing and a miss or a pitch down the middle or a foul ball”, is an example of ____.
(a) Concept only
(b) Relational concept
(c) Conjunctive concept
(d) Disjunctive concept
Ans. (d)

13. ___ is defined as a return to more primitive modes of behaviour, that is, to modes of behaviour characterizing a younger age.
(a) Repression
(b) Regression
(c) Projection
(d) Reaction formation
Ans. (b)

14. Who among the following psychologists was the first to focus on the importance of anxiety?
(a) Jung
(b) Freud
(c) Adler
(d) Erikson
Ans. (b)

15. A language must provide  ________that can stand for objects and ideas.
(a) Symbols
(b) Speech
(c) Sounds
(d) Words
Ans. (a)

16. Freud believed that ___ was the result of an unconscious conflict between id impulses and the constraints imposed by the ego and
(a) Objective anxiety
(b) Neurotic anxiety
(c) Repression
(d) Aggression
Ans. (b)

17. Frustration mainly arises from three important sources which include
(a) Physical
(b) Social
(c) Psychological
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)

18. Which of the following types of conflict involves two negative goals and is a fairly common experience?
(a) Approach-Approach Conflict
(b) Avoidance-Avoidance conflict
(c) Approach-Avoidance conflict
(d) Multiple approach-Avoidance conflict
Ans. (b)

19. The physical, environmental, and social causes of the stress state are termed
(a) Stress
(b) Stressors
(c) Distress
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b)

20. The general adaptation syndrome consists of three stages which include
(a) The alarm reaction
(b) The stage of resistance
(c) The stage of exhaustion
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)

21. Frustration-aggression is a very famous hypothesis proposed by
(a) Roger
(b) Dollard and Miller
(c) Maslow
(d) Otto Rank
Ans. (b)

22. According to whom, an individual would not experience stress unless the individual perceives a situation as threatening?
(a) Lazarus
(b) Erikson
(c) Adler
(d) Harney
Ans. (a)

23. Studies have shown that people who are not outcome oriented, experience
(a) Less strain
(b) Less mental health problem
(c) Less physical health problem
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)

24. Consider the following statements.
1. Stretching exercises increase the arousal level of the body.
2. Aerobic exercises have a calming effect.
3. Yogic asanas provide systematic stretching to all the muscles and joints of the body.
4. Yogic asanas massage the glands and other body organs.
Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(b) 1 and 2
(c) 3 and 4
(d) 1, 3 and 4
Ans. (c)

25. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
(a) Persons who have good sleep habits are able to resolve stress better.
(b) The state of health includes only physical and mental well being
(c) Scheier and his colleagues have developed a measure to assess optimism.
(d) Social psychological and spiritual well being is also included in the state of health.
Ans. (a)

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