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Friday, September 21, 2012

Free Online Geology (Geochemistry) Solved Quiz

Free Online Geology (Geochemistry) Solved Quiz
Geology ,Earth Science MCQ Paper
Q. 1: The lattice energy of an ionic crystal depends on the:
(a) Electrostatic forces between ions of opposite charge.
(b) Internuclear repulsive forces
(c) Tendency of the ions in the crystals
(d) Both (a) and (b)

Q. 2 : High pressure condition promotes to form :
(a) Compact structures
(b) Open structures
(c) Both compact and open structures,
(d) Massive structures.

Q. 3 : What is the average percentage of in the igneous rocks :
(a) 59.14 %
(b) 55.50 %
(C) 79.15 %
(d) 80.00 %.

Q. 4: The transformation from parent rock to soil is generally accompanied by :
(a) Decrease in Ca, Mg, Na and K and increase in Si.
(b) Increase in Ca, Mg, Na and K and decrease in Si.
(c) Much loss of Al and Fe.
(d) No change in parent composition.

Q. 5: Which is the most stable mineral towards weathering?
(a) Quartz
(b) Feldspar
(c) Hornblende
(d) Olivine

Q. 6 : Mark the correct statement :
(a) The last formed minerals of ligneous rocks are more stable at ordinary temperatures.
(b) The minerals formed at an early stage of crystallization are less stable at ordinary temperature
(c) The minerals formed at an early stage of crystallization at last stage at ordinary temperature.
(d) Both (a) and (b)

Q. 7 : The polymorphs of Kaolinite is/are :
(a) Halloysite
(b) Dacite and narrate
(c) Halloysite and diskette
(d) Dacite, narrate and halloysite.

Q. 8 : The dielectric constant of water molecule is :
(a) 50
(b) 80
(c) 100
(d) 125

Q.9: logic potential is:
(a) Charge on the ions.
(b) Charge multiplied by radius
(c) Charge divided by radius
(d) Radius divided by charge

Q. 10: The term isotope is used for the elements:
(a) Same chemical properties and same atomic weight.
(b) Differing in atomic weight and stability but not appreciably in chemical properties.
(c) Same in atomic weight and stability but differing in chemical properties.
(d) With the same atomic weight but different in neutrons and protons value.

Q. 11: Quartz and Tridymite are the example of:
(a) Polymorphism.
(b) Isomorphism.
(c) Diadochy.
(d) None of-these.

Q. 12: The of solution is the:
(a) Hydrogen ion concentration of solution.
(b) Oxygen ion concentration of solution.
(c) Minus log of Hydrogen ion concentration.
(d) Minus log of oxygen ion concentrations.

Q. 13 : The water loving colloids are called as :
(a) Hydrophobic.
(b) Hydrophilic.
(c) Dispersion.
(d) Emulsions.

Q. 14: In pure water at the hydrogen ion concentration is:

Q. 15: The pH of the medium is particularly significant in controlling the
(a) Precipitation of hydroxides from solution
(b) Precipitation of oxides from solution
(c) Precipitation of silicates from solution 
(d) Precipitation of carbonates from solution.

Q. 16: The average pH of the sea water is:
(a) 4.2
(b) 5.5.
(c) 7.0
(d) 7.8

Q. 17: The bulk chemical composition of a rock during metamorphism:
(a) Decreases
(b) Increases
(c) Remain constant
(d) Uncertain

Q. 18: Stability of mineral may be defined in respect of:
(a) Temperature
(b) Pressure
(c) Chemical environment
(d) All the above

Q. 19: The Granulite facies is characterised by:
(a) The presence of micas
(b) The absence of micas
(c) The absence of orthoclase
(d) The absence of quartz

Q. 20: Mark the correct sequence of the various zones in the atmosphere in ascending
(a) Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, ionosphere and Exosphere.
(b) Troposphere, stratosphere, ionosphere, Mesosphere and Exosphere.
(c) Atmosphere, Stratosphere, Exosphere, Mesosphere and ionosphere.
(d) lnosphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Troposphere and Exosphere.

Q.21 : The hydrosphere is the :
(a) Continuous shell of water
(b) Discontinuous shell of water
(c) Uniform shell of water
(d) None of these.

Q. 22: The chlorinate of the sea water is referred as:
(a) Total amount in grams of chloride in 1 kg of sea water.
(b) Total amount in grams of chloride and bromide in 1 kg of sea water
(c) Total amount in grams of chloride, bromide and iodine in 1 kg of sea water.
(d) Total amount in grams of chloride and carbonates in 1 kg of sea water.

Q. 23: Chlorinate and salinity of sea water is expressed in:
(a) Grams per ton
(b) Kilogram per ton
(c) Grams per kilograms
(d) Milligrams per gram.

Q. 24: The concentration of given element in sea water is a function of:
(a) Its rate of removal
(b) Its rate of addition
(c) Its rate of removal and its rate of addition
(d) Its type and affinity towards water.

Q. 25: Which are critical to the geochemical reactions of the biosphere?
(a) Mega organisms
(b) A microorganisms
(c) Animals
(d) Men