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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Computer Science GK

 Computer Science GK Test
Test Online General Knowledge Test Computers
1.A computer language which is used for drawing pictures on the screen is
(a) LOGO
(b) COBOL    
(c) BASIC      

Ans : a

2.Sequential file organization is most appropriate for which of following applications?
(a) Grocery store checkout      
(b) Bank checking account
(c) Payroll       
(d) Airline reservations

Ans : c

3. In Microsoft PowerPoint two kind of sound effects files that can be added to the presentation are
(a) .wav files and mid files
(b) .wav files and gif files
(c) .wav file and .jpg files
(d) .jpg files and gif files

Ans : a

4. Which of. the following should you use in MS Power Point if you want all the slides in the presentation to have the same look’?
(a) The slide layout option
(b) Add a slide option
(c) Outline view
(d) A presentation design template

Ans : d

5. In the context of animations in MS Power Point, what is a trigger?
(a) An action button that advances to the next slide
(b) An item on the slide that performs an action when clicked
(c) The name of a motion path
(d) All of the above

Ans : b

6. How can you create a uniform appearance by adding a background image  in MS Power Point to all slides?
(a) Create a template
(b) Edit the slide master
(c) Use the autocorrect wizard
(d) All of these
Ans : b

7. While using MSDOS, Which command lists the contents of current directory of a disk?
(a) Copy         
(b) Tree           
(c) Cd 
(d) Dir

Ans : d

8. In normal view, how can you quickly change to handout master view in MS Power Point?
(a) Click the outline tab and select handout master view
(b) Press the shift key and click the handout master view button
(c) On the view menu, click slide sorter and click handouts
(d) All of the above

Ans : b

9. Which of the following provides a printed copy of your presentation in MS Power Point?
(a) Outline
(b) Speaker notes
(c) Audience handouts
(d) All of these

Ans : c

10. Which option can be used to create a new slide show with the current slides but presented in a different order in MS Power Point?
(a) Rehearsal
(b) Custom slider show
(c) Slide show setup
(d) Slide show view

Ans : b

11.It is a software tool that lets one enter, calculate, manipulate set of numbers
(a) speed sheet
(b) spread sheet           
(c) slide sheet  
(d) None of these

Ans : b

12.It is a group of worksheets
(a) folder
(b) document   
(c) work book 
(d) books

Ans : cd

13.Cells can be referenced in how many ways in MS-Excel ?

Ans :b

14.Formatting option  is available in which menu in MS-Excel?
(a) Format
(b) Edit
(c) Windows   
(d) File

Ans : a

15.Chart in MS-Excel are saved in how many ways?
(a) 1
(b) 2    
(c) 3    
(d) 4

Ans : b

16. While using MSDOS, If you don’t know the current time, which command will you use to display?
(a) Copy         
(b) Ver
(c) Time          
(d) Format

Ans : c

17. Which of the following extensions suggest that the file is a backup copy?
(a) Bak
(b) Bas
(c) Com          
(d) Txt

Ans : a

18. Which option on the custom animation task pane in MS Power Point allows you to apply a preset or custom motion path?
(a) Add effect
(b) Emphasis
(c) Animate now
(d) All of these
Ans : a

19. What is the term used in MS Power Point when a clip art image changes the direction of faces?
(a) Group
(b) Flip
(c) Rotate
(d) All of these

Ans : c

20. Which of the following is the default page setup orientation of slide in PowerPoint?
(a) Vertical
(b) Landscape
(c) Portrait
(d) None of these

Ans : b

21. How can you quickly reinstate a deleted footer placeholder in master view in MS Power Point?
(a) Create a new slide master
(b) Re-apply the footer placeholder
(c) Re-apply the slide layout
(d) All of these

Ans : b

22. To select all of the boxes of an Organization chart in MS Power Point
(a) clicking and edit and select all
(b) right click the chart background and then click select all
(c) press and hold the SHIFT key and click each box
(d) All of the above

Ans : d

23. You can show the shortcut men during the slide show in MS Power Point  by
(a) clicking the shortcut button on the formatting toolbar
(b) right clicking the current slide
(c) clicking an icon on the current slide
(d) Both ‘a’ and b

Ans : b

24. Auto clipart in MS Power Point is a feature that
(a) automatically places cli part in your presentation
(b) scans your presentation for incorrect spelling in your words on each slide
(c) scans your presentation for incorrect spelling in Word Arts objects
(d) All of the above

Ans : d

25. Which bar is usually located below the title bar that provides categorized options in MS Power Point?
(a) Menu bar
(b) Status bar
(c) Tool bar
(d) Scroll bar

Ans : a

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