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Friday, January 31, 2014

Nigeria Gk online Free test

Nigeria Gk online Free test
nigeria - Current Affairs and GK
nigeria - General Knowledge
1.nigeria consists of ... states.
2.Nigeria is located in ........... Africa.
3. The name Nigeria was taken from the .......River
4.Nigeria name was coined by.........
5. Nigeria is roughly divided in half between........., who mostly live in the South and central parts of the country, and ............., concentrated mostly in the north.
6.Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and .....most populous country in the world.
7.Nigeria's economy is the...... largest in Africa.

8. Nigeria is expected to become world's Top ........... economies by 2050 .
9. The .......... people of central Nigeria produced the earliest terracotta sculptures found in the country.
10.In the northern part of the NIgeria , Kano and Katsina have a recorded history dating back to around....... AD.

3. Niger
4. Flora Shaw
5. Christians   ,Muslims
6. 7th
7.2nd largest
8. 20
9. Nok
10. 999

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