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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Earth Science Engineering Test Geology Practice Quiz

Earth Science Engineering Test  Geology Practice Quiz
Geology Objective Question Paper

Q.1.  Drag force is not a function of
(a) Projected area of the body
(b) Velocity of the body
(c) Mass density of the body
(d) Mass density of the fluid

Q.2. One dimensional flow is
(a) Restricted to flow in a straight line
(b) Uniform flow
(c) One which neglects changes in a transverse direction
(d)The most general flow

Q.3. Depth of oil having specific gravity 0.6 to
produce a pressure of 3.6 will be
(a) 40 cm
(b) 36 cm
(c) 50 cm
(d) 60 cm

Q.4. A piece weighing 3 kg. in air was found to weigh
2.5 kg when submerged in water. Its specific gravity is
(a) 1
(b) 5
(c) 7
(d) 6
 ANSWER: (c)

Q.5.Ratio between inertial forces and the square root
of pressure forces is known as
(a) Euler number
(b) Weber number
(c) Froude number
(d) Mach number

Q.6. The statement “For laminar flow through a fine
porous bed or capillary passages in a solid the velocity
based on the total cross-section in proportional to the
ratio of pressure gradient to viscosity” is known as
(a) Frick’s law
(b) Reynolds hypothesis
(c) Stoke’s law
(d) Darcy’s law or permeability

Q.7. Mercury is generally used in barometer because
(a) Of higher density due to which height of
barometer will be small
(b) It has practically zero vapour pressure
(c) It shines and can be easily read
(d) It does not stick to the tube walls

Q.8. The velocity distribution for flow between two
Fixed parallel plates
(a) Is constant over e cross-section
(b) Varies parabolically across the section
(c) Is zero at the plates and linearly increases
towards the plates
(d) Is zero in the middle and increases towards
the plates

Q.9. Vertical component of pressure force on a
submerged curved surface is equal to
(a) Its horizontal component
(b) The force on a vertical projection of the curved surface
(c) The product of pressure at centroid and surface area
(d) The weight of liquid vertically above the curved area

Q.10. In turbulent flow
(a) Fluid particles move in an orderly manner
(b) Momentum transfer is on a molecular scale only
(c) Shear stresses are generally larger than in similar laminar flow
(d) Cohesion is more effective than momentum transfer in causing shear stress

Q.11. The metacentre is,
(a) Centroid of the displaced volume of fluid
(b) Centroid of pressure of the displaced volume of fluid
(a)    Point of intersection of buoyant force and gravitational force
(d) Point of intersection of buoyant force and centre line of body

Q.12. The bulk modulus of elasticity
(a) Is independent of temperature
(b) Increases with the pressure
(c) Is independent of pressure and viscosity
(d) Is larger when the fluid is more compressible

Q.13. Head loss in case of hot water flow through a
pure compared to cold water flow will be
(a) Same
(b) More
(c) Less
(d) Unpredictable

  Q.14. The velocity distribution in the turbulent
boundary layer follows
(a) Straight-line law
(b) Parabolic law
(c) Hyperbolic law
(d) Logarithmic law
 Q.15. General energy equation holds for
(a) Stead flow
(b) Turbulent flow
(c) Laminar flow
(d) Non-uniformal flow

Q.16. The resultant upward pressure of the fluid on
an immersed body is called
(a) Upthrust
(b) Buoyancy
(c) Centre of pressure
(d) All the above

Q.17. Which of the following forces does not act in
case of fluids
(a) Centrifugal force
(b) Tensile force
(c) Vibratory force
(d) Elastic force

Q.18. The locus of elevations that water will rise in a
series of pitot tube is called
(a) Hydraulic grade line
(b) Pressure head
(c) Energy grade line
(d) Head loss

Q.19. Rain drops are spherical because of
(a) Viscosity
(b) Air resistance
(c) Surface tension
(d) Atmospheric pressure

Q.20. For a flow between two stationery parallel plates,
if the velocity distribution is parabolic, the mean velocity is equal to
(a) Maximum velocity
(b) Half the maximum velocity
(c) One-third of the maximum velocity
(d) Two-third of the maximum velocity

Q.21. Size of a venturimeter is specified by
(a) Fluid pressure
(b) Discharge
(c) Pipe diameter
(d) Pipe diameter and throat diameter

Q.22. Under which two of the following regimes would
be the assumption of a continuum be reasonable
1. Free molecular flow
2. Gas dynamics
3. Slip flow
4. Complete vacuum
5. Liquid flow
(a) 1,2
(b) 2,3
(c) 3,5
(d) 1,4

Q.23. The result of formation of a region of low
pressure developed on the down-stream side due
to separation of flow is
(a) Cavities
(b) Holes
(c) Wakes
(d) Vortex street

Q.24. In a flow field, stagnation point is a point where
(a) Velocity is zero
(b) Pressure is zero
(c) Both pressure and velocity are zero
(d) Gravitational effort is zero

Q.25. The loss of head due to sudden enlargement is
attributed to
(a) Viscosity of fluid
(b) Generation of heat
(c) Roughness of pipe
(d) Production and dissipation of turbulent

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