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Monday, July 27, 2015

Free Online Solved GK on Space Quiz

 Free Online Solved GK on Space Quiz
General Awareness  Practice Test  Paper

1. Who was the first Indian to go to space ?
(a) Kalpana Chawala
(b) Raveesh Malhotra
(c) Rakesh Sharma

2. Which was first satellite that humans sent into space ?
(a) Aryabhata
(b) Luna-Q
(c) Sputnik-I

3.  Which was the first US space shuttle ?
(a) Columbia
(b) Voyager
(c) Challenger

4. Which was the first creature sent to space ?
(a) Cat-Mike
(b) Monkey-Tony
(c) Dog-Laika

5. Which was the first spacecraft to touchdown safely on the surface of Mars ?
(a) Mars
(b)  Mars 2
(c)  Mars 3

6. Who was the first person to go into space ?
(a) Neil  Armstrong
(b) Yuri Gagarin
(c) Valentina Tereshkova

7.Which was the first Indian satellite launched into space ?
(a)  Aryabhata
(c) Sputnik-I

8. Who was the first person to reach the North-Pole?
(a) Neil  Armstrong
(b) Yuri Gagarin
(c) Robert Peary

9. Who was the first Indian born lady to go into space ?
(a) Kalpana Chawala
(b) Sunita Williams
(c) Valentina Tereshkova

10. Who was the first person to land on the moon ?
(a) Neil  Armstrong
(b) Yuri Gagarin
(c) Alexi Leonor

1. c
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. c
6. b
7. a
8. c
9. a
10. a

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