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Monday, February 27, 2012

Free Online Structural Geology Test Paper

Free Online Structural Geology Test Paper

Practice Earth Science Questions

Q.1: Which process or processes can be attributed to the formation of both outliers and inliers:

(a) Folding.

(b) Faulting.

(c) Erosion.

(d) All the above.

Answer. (d)

Q.2: Nappe structures can be formed by:

(a) Over thrusting.

(b) Recumbent folding.

(c) Normal faulting.

(d) Both (a) and (b).

Answer. (d)

Q.3: Foliation may be developed in:

(a) Igneous rocks only.

(b) Sedimentary rocks only.

(c) Metamorphic rocks only.

(d) All above types of rocks.

Answer. (d)

Q.4: Which term will be more appropriate for the slate rock:

(a) Slaty cleavage.

(b) Schistosity.

(c) Continuous cleavage.

(d) None of these.

Answer. (a)

Q.5: Continuous cleavage embraces:

(a) Slaty cleavage only.

(b) Schistosity only.

(c) Both slaty cleavage and schistosity.

(d) Bedding fissility.

Answer. (c)

Q.6: A cleavage consisting of closely spaced micro faults of fracture that divide the rock into a

series of tabular bodies is known as:

(a) Slaty cleavage.

(b) Fracture cleavage.

(c) Shear cleavage.

(d) Bedding cleavage.

Answer. (b)

Q.7: If the folds plunge, the strike on the cleavage is:

(a) Parallel to the strike of the bedding.

(b) Diagonal to the strike of the bedding.

(c) Perpendicular to the strike of the bedding.

(d) Relationship is uncertain.

Answer. (b)

Q.8: Slicken sides are a type of:

(a) Foliation.

(b) Bedding.

(c) Lineation.

(d) Fault plane.

Answer. (c)

Q.9: A fault in which the displacement of limbs take place at a right angle to the surface of

discontinuity (like dyke) are known as:

(a) Trench fault.

(b) Lag fault.

(c) Gaping fault.

(d) Drag fault.

Answer. (c)

Q.10: A strike fault separating two lithospheric plates is generally known as:

(a) Slip fault.

(b) Transform fault.

(c) Wrench fault.

(d) Enechelon fault.

Answer. (b)

Q.11: Pinch and swell terms are related to:

(a) Boudinage.

(b) Rodding.

(c) Mullion.

(d) Pebbles.

Answer. (a)

Q.12: The columnar structures bounded by long cylindrical surfaces are called:

(a) Boudinage.

(b) Rodding.

(c) Mullions.

(d) Cylinders.

Answer. (c)

Q.13: Rodding structures are generally represented by:

(a) Rods of quartz.

(b) Rods of hornblende.

(c) Rods of felspars.

(d) Rods of Calcite.

Answer. (a)

Q.14: Repetition of beds on a geological map may be due to:

(a) Folding.

(b) Weathering.

(c) Unconformity

(d) Disconformity.

Answer. (a)

Q.15: Choose the correct statement regarding current ripple marks.

(a) The rounded trough is convex toward the older beds.

(b) The rounded trough is convex toward the younger beds.

(c) The upper portion of the ripple mark indicate younger beds.

(d) The current marks cannot be used to determine top from bottom.

Answer. (d)

Q.16: Which type of cross-bedding cannot be used to tell top and bottom:

(a) Tabular cross-bedding.

(b) Planar cross-bedding.

(c) Lenticular cross-bedding.

(d) Wedge-shaped cross-bedding.

Answer. (b)

Q.17: Mud-cracks:

(a) In normal position, are wide at top and taper downwards.

(b) ln normal position, are taper at the top and wide downwards.

(c) ln overturned condition, are wide upward and taper downwards.

(d) Top and bottom of a bed cannot be determined with the help of mud-cracks.

Answer. (a)

Q.18: Dauki fault is a:

(a) High angle thrust.

(b) Low angle thrust.

(c) Normal fault.

(d) Graben and horst structure.

Answer. (b)

Q.19: Which show highest strain level value among all the Himalayan thrusts:

(a) Main Boundary Thrust

(b) Main central Thrust.

(c) Main Frontal Thrust.

(d) All the above.

Answer. (b)

Q.20: Mark the correct statement:

(a) Antiolinal folds produce inlier and synclinal folds produce outlier.

(b) Anticlinal folds produce outlier and synclinal folds produce inlier.

(c) lnlier can be produced by both synclinal and anticlinal folds.

(d) Outlier can be produced by both synclinal and anticlinal folds.

Answer. (a)

Q.21: Primary foliation forms:

(a) During crystallisation of magma.

(b) After crystallisation of a magma.

(c) During folding.

(d) During jointing.

Answer. (a)

Q.22: Crenulation cleavage is also known as:

(a) Shear cleavage. .

(b) Cataclastic cleavage.

(c) Slaty cleavage.

(d) Slip cleavage.

Answer. (d)

Q.23: The parallelism of some directional property in the rock is known as:

(a) Foliation.

(b) Cleavage.

(c) Lineation.

(d) Bedding.

Answer. (c)

Q.24: Slaty cleavage is best developed in rocks which are rich in:

(a) Chloritic minerals.

(b) Arenaceous minerals.

(c) Micaceous minerals.

(d) Ferrugenous minerals.

Answer. (c)

Q.25: Lineation is more commonly expressed by the minerals:

(a) Mica.

(b) Felspar.

(c) Tourmaline.

(d) Hornblende.

Answer. (d)