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Friday, February 10, 2012

Structural Geology Practice Quiz

Structural Geology Practice Quiz
Free Online Geology Test
Q.1: Mark the the correct statement:
(a) An increase in lithostatic pressure caused a increase in the volume of rocks and an increase in
the density.
(b) An increase in Iithostatic pressure causes decrease in the volume of rocks but an increase in the
(c) An increase in lithostatic pressure causes a decrease in the volume of rocks but an increase in
the density.
(d) An increase in lithostatic pressure causes no effect on the volume of rocks and in the density.
Answer. (c)

Q.2: “strain is proportional to stress in elastic deformation" is known as:
(a) Poisson’s ratio.
(b) Hooke’s law.
(c) Smith’s law.
(d) None of these.
Answer. (b)

Q.3: The probable ranges of compressive strength for common rocks are given below; mark
one of the most probable combination:
(a) Basalt 800-4200
(b) Sandstone 200-1700
(c) Granite 1000-2800
(d) Shale 100-1000
Answer. (c)

   Q.4: ln a stress-strain binary diagram where the ordinate represents the increasing stress
and the abscissa represents the increasing strain, a line almost parallel to the abscissa is
characteristic of:
(a) Plastic material.
(b) Brittle material.
(c) Elastoplastic material.
(d) Ductile material.
Answer. (a)

Q.5: Factors which increase the ductility ot a rock are:
(a) Temperature and pressure.
(b) Rate of application of stress and temperature.
(c) Temperature and amount of intergranular fluids present in the rock.
(d) Pressure, rate of application of stress, temperature and amount of intergranular fluids present in
the rock.
Answer. (d)

Q.6: Width of outcrop of a bed on the ground depends upon:
(a) Thickness of the bed.
(b) Dip of the bed.
(c) Slope of the ground.
(d) All the three above.
Answer. (d)

Q.7: Mark the correct statement:
(a) Topography has no influence on the pattern of vertical beds.
(b) The out crop pattern of vertical bed forms straight lines.
(c) The straight lines formed by outcrop pattern of vertical beds are parallel to the strike of the beds.
(d) All above are correct.
Answer. (d)

Q.8: Dip of a bed is a vector quantity because it has got:
(a) Direction.
(b) Magnitude.
(C) Direction and magnitude.
(d) None of these.
Answer. (c)

Q.9: Strike of a bed is determined by:
(a) Finding the direction in which the dip is nil.
(b) Bearing the dip where the ground is horizontal.
(c) Bearing the maximum angle of dip.
Answer. (a)

Q.10: The line of maximum curvature in a fold is known as:
(a) Crest.
(b) Axis.
(c) Hinge.
(d) Trough.
Answer. (c)

Q.11: An anticline fold may be defined as a fold that:
(a) Is convex upward.
(b) Has older rocks in the centre.
(c) The two limbs dip away from each other.
(d) All above definitions are correct.
Answer. (d)

Q.12: Drag folds:
(a) Occur within the competent beds.
(b) Within the competent beds.
(c) Within the incompetent beds are overlain by competent beds.
(d) When vertical stresses act on horizontal beds.
Answer. (c)

Q.13: A recumbent-syncline fold may be determined by observing:
(a) Its concave upwards.
(b) Its limbs dip towards the axial plane.
(c) Younger beds in the centre of the fold.
(d) Cannot be determined.
Answer. (c)

Q.14: When the axis plungs directly down the dip of the axial plane; the fold is known as:
(a) Plunging fold.
(b) Periclinal fold. 
(c) Reclined fold.
(d) Flexure fold.
Answer. (c)

Q.15: Ptygmatic folding is a type of:
(a) Flexure folding.
(b) Shear-folding.
(c) Flow-folding.
(d) None of these.
Answer. (c)

Q.16: Salt domes are the best examples of:
(a) Diapiric fold.
(b) Reclined fold.
(c) Drag fold.
(d) Pericline fold.
Answer. (a)

Q.17: Lines joining points of equal limb dip in successive layers through the fold profile are
known as:
(a) Agonic lines.
(b) Isohyetes.
(c) Dip isogans.
(d) Contour lines.
Answer. (c)

Q.18: Choose the correct statement:
(a) ln class 1A folds, the isogons making an angle greater than limb dip.
(b) In class 1B folds, the isogons making an angle equal to the limb dip.
(c) ln class 1C folds, the isogons making an angle less than limb dip.
(d) All the above statements are correct.
Answer. (d)

Q.19: A Fold in which the anticlines become sharper and synclines become broader with
depth is known as:
(a) Parallel fold.
(b) Similar fold.
(c) Recumbent fold.
(d) Box fold.
Answer. (a)

Q.20: Which told is a type of conjugate fold:
(a) Fan fold.
(b) Chavron fold.
(c) Box fold.
(d) Kink bands.
Answer. (c)

Q.21: The minimum thickness between two tangents tor a given value of limb dip on two
surfaces of a folded layer is called:
(a) Isogonal thickness.
(b) True thickness.
(c) Orthogonal thickness. . 
(d) All the above terms may be applied.
Answer. (c)

   Q.22: The plung and pitch are equal when the beds are:
(a) Horizontal.
(b) Inclined.
(c) Inclined at 45°.
(d) Vertical.
Answer. (d)

Q.23: Two sets of related folds whose axial surfaces are inclined towards one another are called:
(a) Parallel folds.
(b) Similar folds.
(c) Conjugate folds.
(d) Complex folds.
Answer. (c)

Q.24: Match the following:
              l                                         ll
1. Hade.                                 i. Vertical slip.
2. Throw.                              ii. Total displacement.
3. Heave.                              iii. Angle between fault plane and vertical plane.
4. Net slip.                           iv. Horizontal dip slip.
(a) 1-i, 2-iii, 3-ii, 4-iv
(b) 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iii, 4=iv
(c) 1-iii, 2-i, 3-iv, 4-ii.
(d) 1-ii, 2-iv, 3-i, 4-iii.
Answer. (c)

Q.25: Choose the correct statement:
(a) Vertical faults have a footwall in downthrow side and hanging wall in upthrow side.
(b) Vertical faults have a hanging Wall in downthrow side and foot wall in downthrow side.
(c) Vertical faults have neither a footwall nor a hanging wall.
(d) All the statements are wrong.
Answer. (c)

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