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Monday, August 17, 2015

World Quiz for All Preliminary Examinations

World Quiz for All Preliminary Examinations
GK solved paper for all  test

1.Where is Timbuktu town located in the West Africa ?
2. Who founded the Timbukutu town in the 11th century ?
3. Which bridge spans the entrance of San Francisco Bay in California ?
4. Which is the capital city of Malaysia ?
5. Wall Street is the stock exchange of which country ?
6. Which large statue in New York was actually built in France and then brought to USA ?
7. What is the currency of  Dubai ?
8. Where is World's largest pyramid  found ?
9. Name the smallest country in the world with an area of just 0.44 sq. km ?
10. In which US state was the first Disneyland park built ?
11. What is the name of smallest ocean in the world ?
12. Which country owned California before USA ?
13.  In which US state was the Disneyland  theme park built ?
14. The Huron were people of which continent ?
15. What is the currency of Germany ?
16.  Name the river which is known as ' sorrow of China '.
17. Where is  Barabudur a 9th-century Mahayana Buddhist  temple  located ?
18. Chile is found in which continent ?
19. Where is ' Leaning Tower of Pisa'  found ?
20. Which is the least populated state of India ?

1. Republic of Mali
2. Tuareg Imashagan 
3. Golden Gate Bridge
4. Kuala Lumpur
5. USA
6. Statue of Liberty
7.  Dirham
8. Mexico
9. Vatican city
10. California
11. Arctic Ocean
12. Mexico
13. Florida
14. North America
15. Mark
16. Huang He
17. Central Java, Indonesia
18. South America
19. Italian City of Pisa
20. Sikkim

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