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Friday, April 8, 2016

Free solved objective questions on Psychology

Free solved  objective questions on Psychology
Objective and Practice Questions for Psychology
Psychology objective questions and answers Solved Model test
1 ........used savings or relearning method as a  measure of retention.
(a) Hermann Ebbinghaus
(b) B.F. Skinner
(c) Jean Piaget
(c None of the above

2 .................refers to the degree to which incoming information is processed so that it can be tied to, or integrated with, existing memories.
(a) Perception
 (b) Elaboration
(c) Meaning
(d) None of the above
3................. is characterised by deficits in many intellectual abilities — memory, attention, Judgement and abstract thought, that can occur in aged people.
(a) Defensive amnesia
(b) Senile dementia
(c) Korsakoff syndrome
(d) None of the above

4. Adolescence is a time of searching, the objective is a sense of identity, an answer to the question, "who am I ? " was said by
(a) Sigmund Freud
(b) Erik Erikson
(c) Jean Piaget
(d) None of the above

5. What is earliest outward evidence of adolescence?
(a) The growth spurt
(b) The changed mentality
(c) Change in social behavior
(d)  None of the above

6. Technically, adolescence is the period from the beginning of sexual maturity to the completion of
(a) Mental growth
(b) Physical growth
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

7 The theory of ...............holds that the memories are not recalled because their retrieval would in some way be unacceptable to the peron, possibly because of the anxiety they would produce or the guilt they might activate.
(a) Recall
(b) Repression
(c) Recognition
 (d) None of the above

8. The technique used in the short-term memory is known as
(a) Free recall
(b) Reconstruction
(c) Recognition
(d) None of the above

9. Parents seem to place more restrictions on their teenage daughters than on their teenage sons, this restriction is a type of
(a) Control
(b) Harassment
(c) Protection
(d) None of the above

10. Identifying the exact nature of the communication between the DNA and RNA and between the RNA and the sequence of amino acids manufactured in the cell is known as the ........
(a) Decoding problem
(b) Coding problem
(c) Genetic code
(ci) None of these


2 b
3 b
4 b
5 a
6 b
7 b
8 a
9 c
10 b

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