Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Geology Objective Sample Paper

Geology Objective Sample Paper

Free Online Geology Test Paper

1. In eccentrically loaded members, a neutral axis

can be drawn by joining the points which represent

the greatest permissible eccentricity in each coordinate

direction. By symmerty, four neutral axes exist in the

section; these lines from the boundaries of a core known

as kern. Compressive forces acting within the kern of a


(a) Cannot produce tensile stress

(b) Will sometimes produce tensile stress

(c) Will always produce tensile stresses

(d) Are zero

Answer. (a)

2. A tower is to be designed to have same

compressive stress at all sections under a load

and its own weight, its cross section should be

(a) Uniform

(b) Taper

(c) Parabolic

(d) Hyperbolic

Answer. (c)

3. Mohr ’s circle is used to determine the stresses

on an oblique section of body subjected to

(a) Direct stresses in two mutually perpendicular directions

(b) A direct stress in one plane along with simple shear stress

(c) Direct stresses in two mutually perpendicular directions

accompanied by a simple shear stress.

(d) All of the above

Answer. (d)

4. The principal stress in the case of pure shear

will be equal in magnitude

(a) Similar in nature

(b) But opposite in nature

(c) To half the maximum shear stress similar in nature

(d) To half the maximum shear stress but opposite in nature

Answer. (a)

5. Minimum limiting load at which the column

tends to have lateral displacement is known as

(a) Critical load

(b) Crippling load

(c) Buckling load

(d) Any of the above

Answer. (a)

5. If a principal plane be subjected to maximum

principal stress, then shear stress on this plane

will be

(a) Zero

(b) Maximum

(c) Minimum

(d) Infinity

Answer. (a)

6. Ratio of maximum shear stress and average

stress in a circullar section is

(a) 1

(b) 1.25

(c) 1.5

(d) 4/3

Answer. (d)

7. A beam is said to be of uniform strength, if

(a) B.M. is same throughout the beam

(b) Shear stress is same throughout the beam

(c) Deflection is same throughout the beam

(d) Bending stress is same at very section along its longitudinal axis.

 Answer. (d)

8. Point of contra flexure is a point where

(a) Shear force in zero

(b) Shear force changes sign

(c) Bending moment changes sign

(d) Bending moment is maximum

Answer. (c)

9. In a continuous curve of bending moment the

point of zero bending moment, where it changes

sign is called the

(a) Point of inflexion

(b) Point of contra-flexure

(c) Point of a virtual hinge

(d) All of the above

Answer. (d)

10. A column is defined as short column if

(a) Its length is less than 10 m

(b) The ratio of its effective length to the least

lateral dimension is less than 15

(c) The ratio of its effective length to least radius

of gyration is less than 50

(d) Both (a) and (c) above

Answer. (d)

11. If a part is constrained to move and heated, it

will develop

(a) Principal stress

(b) Tensile stress

(c) Compressive stress

(d) Shear stress

Answer. (c)

12. Most elastic material is

(a) Rubber

(b) Plastic

(c) Brass

(d) Steel

Answer. (d)

13. Compound beams are those in which

(a) Reaction components are more than three

(b) Reaction components are three

(c) Reaction components are more than three but

for each additional reaction components, one linge

is introduced.

(d) None of the above

 Answer. (b)

14. In unit loads rest upon a beam at the two points

R and S, the deflection at T due to unit load at S equals

the deflection at S due to the load at R. The theorem is

given by

(a) Castilian

(b) Ranking

(c) Mohr

(d) Maxwell

Answer. (d)

15. A column has its equivalent length equal to its

length in case of

(a) Both ends fixed

(b) Both ends hinged

(c) One end fixed and other hinged

(d) None of these

Answer. (b)

16. For solid shaft subjected to a torque of 18000

Nm. having a permissible shear stress of 60 N/

the diameter of shaft is

(a) 115 mm

(b) 121 mm

(c) 149 mm

(d) 108 mm

Answer. (a)

17. A column with maximum equivalent length has

(a) Both ends fixed

(b) Both ends hinged

(c) One end fixed and other hinged

(d) One end fixed and other free

Answer. (d)

18. Pressure vessels are not made of rectangular

shape, because

(a) These are difficult to fabricate

(b) They are not economical

(c) They do not give pleasing appearance

(d) It has been practice to use cylindrical vessels

(e) None of the above

Answer. (b)

19. Stress developed in a longitudinal joint in a thin

shell of diameter D under the action of an internal

pressure p is

(a) Longitudinal stress

(b) Radial stress

(c) Circumferential stress

(d) None of the above

Answer. (c)

20. Circumferential stress in a thin shell is

(a) Maximum on inner surface

(b) Maximum in middle of thickness

(c) Maximum in outer surface

(d) Remains uniform throughout the thickness

Answer. (d)

21. Ratio of the equivalent length of column to the

minimum radius of gyration of the cross-sectional area

of the column is called

(a) Slenderness ratio

(b) Buckling factor

(c) Column factor

(d) Crippling factor

Answer. (b)

22. There are two bars of equal length and equal

volume and same material, one having stepped

diameters and other having uniform diameter.

If maximum stress produced in both bars is

same, then stored energy will be

(a) More in stepped diameter shaft

(b) More in uniform diameter shaft

(c) Equal in both

(d) Depend on other factors

Answer. (b)

23. When a beam is subjected to a transverse

shearing force, the shear stress in the upper

fibers will be

(a) Maximum

(b) Minimum

(c) Zero

(d) Depends on other data

Answer. (c)

24. In above bars, if gradually applied load is same,

then stored energy will be

(a) More in stepped diameter shaft

(b) More in uniform diameter shaft

(c) Equal in both

(d) Depend on other factors

Answer. (a)

25. Three beams of circular, square, rectangular

(depth - twice the width) sections and of same

length are subjected to some bending moment.

If the allowable stress is same then least weight

of same material will be required for

(a) Circular section

(b) Square section

(c) Rectangular section

(d) More data are required to determine same

Answer. (a)

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