Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Solved Geology Question Paper

Solved Geology Question Paper

Geology Objective Test Paper

1. In short columns failure occurs by

(a) Pure buckling

(b) Combination of bending and direct compression

(c) Direct compression only

(d) None of the above

Answer. (c)

2. If the shear force is zero along a section, bending moment at that section will be

(a) Minimum

(b) Maximum

(c) Zero

(d) Either minimum or maximum

Answer. (d)

3. Point of contraflexure in a cantilever of spane l,

carrying a u.d.l. w/m occurs at

(a) Mid spane

(b) Free end

(c) Fixed end

(d) Does not exist

Answer. (d)

4. Maximum bending stress in a cantilever of rectangular cross-section occurs at

(a) Free end

(b) Mid span

(c) Fixed end

(d) None of the above

Answer. (c)

5. In a rectangular beam, the maximum shear stress occurs at

(a) Top fibre of the section

(b) Anywhere cross the depth

(c) Bottom of the section

(d) Only at neutral axis

Answer. (d)

6. Difference in ordinate of shear force diagram

between any two points is equal to the area under

(a) Shear curve between these points

(b) Bending moment diagram between these points

(c) Load diagram between these points

(d) None of the above

Answer. (c)

7. For a simply supported beam having a load at

the centre, the bending moment will be

(a) Minimum at support

(b) Minimum at the centre

(c) Maximum at the supports

(d) Minimum and maximum could be any where,along the length

Answer. (a)

8. The central deflection in a fixed beam i.e., supported firmly

at both ends and loaded in the centre compared to a freely

supported beam will be

(a) Same

(b) Double

(c) One-half

(d) One-fourth

Answer. (d)

9. If the compressive stress in a tower due to a load and its own

weight is to be constant at all sections, then its cross-section at

various sections should be of

(a) Uniform shape

(b) Tapering shape

(c) Parabolic shape

(d) Some other shape

Answer. (d)

10. In order to determine whether a column is long or short, one should know

(a) Length

(b) Cross-section

(c) M.I.

(d) Slenderness ratio

Answer. (d)

11. Proof stress

(a) Is the safest stress

(b) Cause a specified permanent deformation in a material, usually 0.01% or less

(c) Is used in connection with materials like mild steel

(d) Does not exist

Answer. (a)

12. During the tensile test of a glass rod the nature of stress-strain curve is

(a) Straight and droping

(b) Sudden break

(c) Straight line

(d) Parabolic

Answer. (b)

13. A continuous beam is one which is

(a) Infinitely long

(b) Supported at two places

(c) Supported at one point

(d) Supported at more than two supports

Answer. (d)

14. The extension of uniform bar by its own weight

as compared to a bar loaded by same weight at the free end will be

(a) Same

(b) Half

(c) One-fourth

(d) One-third

Answer. (b)

15. Ratio of length of column to the minimum radius of

gyration of the cross sectional area of the column is

known as

(a) Slenderness ratio

(b) Buckling factor

(c) Crippling factor

(d) Compressive factor

Answer. (a)

16. Strain rosettes are used to

(a) Produce strains for testing purpose

(b) Relieve strain in heavily loaded components

(c) Measure strain

(d) Analyse property of materials

Answer. (c)

17. Shear stress on mutually perpendicular planes are

(a) Zero

(b) Minimum

(c) Maximum

(d) Equal

Answer. (d)

18. As the slenderness ratio of a column increases, its compressive strength

(a) Increases

(b) Decreases

(c) Remains unchanged

(d) Unpredictable

Answer. (b)

19. For biaxial stress the maximum shear stress

occurs on plane inclined at following angle to

the principal normal plane

(a) 90°

(b) 45°

(c) 145°

(d) 135°

Answer. (b)

20. The extremities of any diameter on Mohr’s circle


(a) Principal stresses

(b) Normal stresses on planes at 45°

(c) Shear stresses on planes at 45°

(d) Normal and shear stresses on a plane

Answer. (b)

21. Shear stress along the principal plane subjected

to maximum principal stress is

(a) Minimum

(b) Maximum

(c) Zero

(d) Negative

Answer. (c)

22. On the planes having maximum or minimum principal

stresses, the tangential stress will be

(a) Minimum

(b) Maximum

(c) Zero

(d) Infinity

Answer. (c)

23. A long column fails by

(a) Crushing

(b) Tension

(c) Shearing

(d) Buckling and crushing

Answer. (b)

24. Normal stress on the planes of minimum stress

in of plane stress problems will be

(a) Zero

(b) Maximum

(c) Half the difference of two mutually perpendicular stresses

(d) Principal stress

Answer. (a)

25. Stress at the boundary of the kern is

(a) Maximum

(b) Minimum

(c) Zero

(d) Any value

Answer. (c)

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