Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Geology Practice Test Paper

Geology Practice Test Paper

Sample Paper of Geology

1. Points of contraflexure is the point where

(a) Positive bending moment is maximum

(b) Negative bending moment is maximum

(c) Point of zero shear force

(d) Point of change in sign of bending moment

Answer. (d)

2. Ratio of elongation in a prismatic bar due to its

own weight (W) as compared to when it is applied

another similar bar carrying an additional weight (W)

will be

(a) 1:2

(b) 1:3

(c) 1:4

(d) 1:25

Answer. (b)

3. In the case of hinged support reaction

(a) Acts perpendicular to beam

(b) Perpendicular to surface of hinge

(c) Along the surface of beam

(d) In any direction depending upon the loads

Answer. (d)

4. Bending moment on a section is maximum where

shear force is

(a) Maximum

(b) Minimum

(c) Zero

(d) Does not depend upon shear force

Answer. (c)

5. The number of members in a perfect frame

having J number of joints is equal to

(a) 2J-1

(b) 3J-2

(c) 2J-3

(d) 3J-1

Answer. (c)

6. The strain energy stored in a body due to

suddenly applied load compared to when it is

applied gradually is

(a) Same

(b) Twice

(c) Four times

(d) Eight times

Answer. (c)

7. Radius of gyration for ii circular section is

(a) Directly proportional to the diameter of the section

(b) Square root of the diameter of the section

(c) Inversely proportional to the diameter of the section

(d) None of the above

Answer. (c)

8. Statically determinate beams are

(a) Simply supported cantilevers and overhang beams

(b) Cantilevers and fixed beams

(c) Continuous beams and beams carrying uniformly distributed loads

(d) All the above

Answer. (a)

9. Shape of the bending moment diagram for a

beam carrying to external load is

(a) Parabolic

(b) Linear

(c) Arc of a circle

(d) None of the above

Answer. (b)

10. A beam is loaded a cantilever. If the load at the

end is increased the failure will occur

(a) In the middle

(b) At the tip below the load

(c) At the support

(d) Anywhere

Answer. (c)

11. Rivets are made of

(a) Tough material

(b) Hard material

(c) Resilient material

(d) Ductile material

Answer. (d)

12. If the areas of cross-sections of square and

circular beams are same and both are subjected

to equal bending moment, then

(a) Circular beam is more economical

(b) Square beam is more economical

(c) Both the beams are equally strong

(d) Both the beams are equally economical

Answer. (b)

13. When a strip made of iron and copper is heated, it

(a) Does not bend

(b) Gets twisted

(c) Bends with iron on concave side

(d) Bends with iron on convex side

Answer. (c)

14. When a beam is subjected to a transverse shearing

force, the shear stress in the upper fibres will be

(a) Maximum

(b) Minimum

(c) Zero

(d) Depends on other data

Answer. (a)

15. Coefficient of cubical expansion is

(a) Equal to the coefficient of linear expansion

(b) Twice coefficient of linear expansion

(c) Thrice the coefficient of superficial expansion

(d) 1.5 times the coefficient of superficial


Answer. (d)

16. Rupture stress is

(a) Breaking stress

(b) The stress obtained by dividing the load at the

moment of incipient fracture, by the area supporting that load

(c) Never allowed to reach in members

(d) Highest stress in a test

Answer. (b)

17. In a thin cylinder, all along the thickness of the cylinder

(a) Hoop stress and longitudinal stress are almost constant

(b) Hoop stress and longitudinal stress are equal

(c) Hoop stress is constant and longitudinal stress varies considerably

(d) Longitudinal stress is constant and hoop stress varies considerably

Answer. (a)

18. A beam strongest in flexural is one which has

(a) Maximum bending stress

(b) Maximum area of cross-section

(c) Maximum section modulus

(d) Maximum moment of inertia

Answer. (c)

19. A non-yielding support implies that the

(a) Support is frictionless

(b) Support can take any amount of reaction

(c) Support holds member firmly

(d) Slope of the beam at the support is zero

Answer. (d)

20. Proof resilience per unit volume of a material is

known as

(a) Resilience

(b) Proof resilience

(c) Modulus of resilience

(d) Toughness

Answer. (c)

21. When a rectangular beam is loaded transversebf,

the maximum compressive stress develops on

(a) Bottom fibre

(b) Top fibre

(c) Neutral axis

(d) Every cross-section

Answer. (b)

22. Deformation of any structure takes place in such

a manner that the work of deformation is a minimum,

This is according to

(a) Castigliano’s theorem

(b) Principle of least work

(c) Maxwell"s theorem

(d) Theory of flexure

Answer. (b)

23. The load at which the column first buckles, is known as

(a) Buckling load

(b) Cryppling load

(c) Critical load

(d) Any of the above

Answer. (d)

24. If a beam is cut in halves horizontally and the

two halves laid side by side, then the later in

comparison to the original beam will carry

(a) Same load

(b) Double load

(c) Half load

(d) One fourth load

Answer. (c)

25. The bulk modulus of a material is defined as the ratio of

(a) Volume change to modulus of elasticity

(b) Stress intensity to volumetric strain

(c) Volume change to original volume

(d) Pressure applied to the change in volume

Answer. (b)

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