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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

ONGC Solved Geology Practice Test

ONGC Solved Geology Practice Test
Geology MCQ Paper
Q.1: Ankerites are:
(a) Ca Mg carbonate
(b) Ca Fe carbonate
(c) Ca Mg Fe carbonate
(d) Ca Mg Fe Al carbonate

Q.2: Micrite is formed of grains:
(a) Less than two microns in size.
(b) Less than four microns in size.
(c) Less than ten microns in size.
   (d) Less than fifty microns in size.

Q.3: Guano are:
(a) Calcareous deposits.
(b) Ferrugenous deposits.
(c) Phospatic deposits.
(d) Siliceous deposits.

Q.4: When a lacustrine environment is affected by marine conditions, then the environment
is known as:
(a)    Esturine
(b) Paludal
(c) Paralic
(d) Limnic

   Q.5: Which is the most Important Indicator of ancient climate:
(a) Radioactivity of the deposits.
(b) Type of cementing material.
(c) Order of superposition of beds.
(d) Type and distribution of fossils.

Q.6: “Shingle” is characteristic of ....... environment:
(a) Littoral.
(b) Terrestrial.
(c) Neritic.
(d) Abyssal.

Q.7: Where the modern turbidity current deposits (turbidlties) are generally found:
(a) At the base of continental shelf.
(b) On and at the base of continental shelf.
(c) On the continental rise.
(d) All the above are correct.

Q.8: Sediments which are formed by slow precipitation of minerals from sea water in place
by crystallisation, are called as:
(a) Terrigenous marine sediments.
(b) Pelagic marine sediments.
(c) Authigenic marine sediments.
(d) None of these.

Q.9: Fracturing of quartz grains is commonly developed in:
(a) A high energy conditional transport system.
(b) A low energy conditional transport system.
(c) A linear flow conditional transport system.
(d) None of these.

Q.10: Mark the correct statement regarding sedimentary facies:
(a) These are lateral variations in sediments type in a sedimentary formation.
(b) They are the result of variations in current velocity.
(c)They are variable in the basin of deposition.
(d) All the above are correct.

Q.11: Diagenesis is a:
(a) Pre-depositional process.
(b) Post-depositional process.
(c) Inter-depositional process.
(d) Simultaneous-depositional process.

Q.12: Among quartzose sandstones the initial stage of diagenesis is characterised by:
(a) Rounding of quartz.
(b) Rounding and solution pitting of quartz.
(c) Colour changes.
(d) All the above.

Q.13: According to Dopples, which of the following stage of diagenesis is responsible for the
colour of the rock:
(a) Automorphic.
(b) Synomorphic.
(c) Locomorphic.
(d) Redoxomorphic.

Q.14: Metamorphism is a:
(a) Solid - State reconstitution
(b) Solid -liquid state reconstitution
(c) Solid -liquid - gas - stare reconstitution.
(d) Liquid - state reconstitution.
Answer. (a)

Q.15: Isotropic fabrics of metamorphic rocks form:
(a) Under nonhydrostatic stress condition.
(b) Under hydrostatic stress condition.
(c) Due to ductile flow
(d) Due to chemical reactions.
Answer. (b)

Q.16: Mark the correct statement:
(a) P-T values often are above the peak metamorphic conditions.
(b) P-T values often are below the peak metamorphic condition.
(c) P-T values often are equal the peak metamorphic condition.
(d) There is no relation between P-T values and peak metamorphic conditions.
Answer. (b)

Q.17: Granulite facies rocks represent:
(a) Shallow crystal materials
(b) Deep crystal materials.
(c) Oceanic materials
(d) None of these.
Answer. (b)

Q18: Green schists are:
(a) Low pressure and low temperature rock.
(b) High pressure and high temperature rock.
(c) High pressure and low temperature rock.
(d) Low pressure and high temperature rock.
Answer. (c)

Q.19: Staurolite forms by the reaction of:
(a) Chlorite and sillimanite
(b) Muscovite and chloritoid
(c) Chlorite and mucosvite
(d) Chloritoid and sillimanite.
Answer. (c)

Q.20: A metamorphic rock, containing very high  content (more than 80%), would
indicate that the rock was originally a:
(a) Granite
(b) Syenite
(c) Sandstone
(d) Shale
Answer. (c)

Q.21: ln the lowest grades metamorphism, which variety of garnet is present:
(a) Spessartite
(b) Pyrope
(c) Andradite
(d) Grossularite.
 Answer. (a)

Q.22: The products of thermal and high grade regional metamorphism, generally containing:
(a) Two - coordinated aluminum
(b) Four - coordinated aluminum.
(c) Six - coordinated aluminum
(d) Eight- coordinated aluminum
Answer. (b)

Q.23: Mineralogical rearrangement of high temperature assemblage to a low temperature
one takes place then the metamorphism is known as:
(a) Puro metamorphism
(b) Contact metamorphism
(c) Retrograde metamorphism
(d) Plutonic metamorphism
Answer. (c)

Q.24: Metamorphism involves process of:
(a) Liquid - state recrystallisation.
(b) Solid -liquid - state recrystallisation
(c) Solid-state recrystallisation
(d) Solid - gas - state recrystallisation.
Answer. (c)

Q.25: The predominant agent in contact metamorphism is:
(a) Temperature
(b) Pressure
(c) Chemical fluid
(d) None of these.
Answer. (a)

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