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Monday, January 9, 2012

Psychology Solved Paper Free Online

Psychology Solved Paper Free Online

Psychology MCQ Solved Paper

1. In recent past, psychologists have shown increasingly greater interest in understanding the role of culture in

(a) Mental processes

(b) Behaviour

(c) Attitudes

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans. (d)

2. The theory of planned behaviour is proposed by

(a) Ajzen and Fishbein

(b) Fazio

(c) Roskos-Ewoidsen

(d) Petty and Krosnick

Ans. (a)

3. The prototype/willingness model of attitude is proposed by:

(a) Gibbons and his colleagues

(b) Fazio

(c) Ajzen

(d) Fishbein

Ans. (a)

4. A genetically inherited impairment in the ability to experience pleasure is known as

(a) Phobia

(b) Hypochondria

(c) Hypohedonia

(d) Hypertension

Ans. (c)

5. When we watch commercials we know fully well that these messages are designed to change our views. This kind of knowledge is known as

(a) Forewarning

(b) Fore knowledge

(c) Biased assimilation

(d) Anticipation

Ans. (a)

6. The tendency to ignore information that contradicts our attitudes while actively seeking information consistent with our attitudes constitute two sides of what psychologists term

(a) Selective exposure

(b) Selective avoidance

(c) Biased assimilation

(d) Fore warning

Ans. (a)

7. Classical conditioning is also sometimes called

(a) Respondent conditioning

(b) Pavlovian conditioning

(c) Instrumental conditioning.

(d) Both (a) and (b)


8. Biased Assimilation is the tendency

(a) To evaluate information that disconfirms our existing views as less convincing or reliable than information that confirms these views

(b) To direct our attention away from information

(C) To avoid forewarning

(d) None of the above

Ans. (a)

9. When individuals receive information that disagrees with their current view they

(a) Tend to react with annoyance and contempt

(b) Quickly discount such input as biased

(c) Tend to perceive the source of such information as biased

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

10. In instrumental or operant conditioning the procedure of not reinforcing a response is called

(a) Shaping

(b) Extinction

(c) Continuous reinforcement

(d) None

Ans. (b)

11. Cognitive Dissonance is

(a) An unpleasant state that occurs when we notice that various attitudes we hold, are some how inconsistent

(b) A pleasant state of emotional attitude

(c) A theory related to intelligence

(d) Semantic memory

Ans. (a)

12. Which one of the following statements is correct?

(a) Direct approaches to dissonance reduction focus on the attitudes behaviour discrepancies that are causing the dissonance

(b) Indirect approaches to dissonance reduction leave the basic discrepancy between attitudes and behaviour intact but reduce the unpleasant negative feelings generated by dissonance.

(c) Indirect routes to dissonance reduction is most likely to occur when an attitude- behaviour discrepancy involves important attitudes or self-beliefs. Individuals experiencing such dissonance may rely on self-affirmation-restoring positive self-evaluations that are threatened by the dissonance

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

13. Latent learning is an example of:

(a) Verbal learning

(b) Classical conditioning

(c) Cognitive learning

(d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

14. Awareness that one is publicly advocating some attitude or behaviour but then acting in a way that is inconsistent with this attitude or behaviour, is known as

(a) Hypocrisy

(b) Dissonance

(c) Compliance

(d) Less-leads to more effect

Ans. (a)

15. Which one of the following statements about resistance to persuasion is correct?

(a) Reactance is a negative reaction to efforts by others to reduce our freedom by getting us to do what they want us to do

(b) In reactance we often really do change our attitudes in a direction exactly opposite to that being urged on us.

(c) The existence of reactance is one reason why hard-sell attempts at persuasion often fail

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

16. Any relatively permanent change in behaviour or behavioural potential produced by

experience is called

(a) Motivation

(b) Learning

(c) Adjustment

(d) Emotion

Ans. (b)

17. Attitudes are

(a) Evaluations of aspects of the social world

(b) Often acquired from other persons through social learning

(c) Also formed on the basis of social comparison

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

18. Which of the following are the areas for application of learning principles?

(a) Organisations

(b) Maladjustive behaviours

(c) School learning

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

19. Which one of the following statements is correct about bogus pipeline?

(a) Bogus pipeline is an ingenious technique for studying attitudes

(b) In bogus pipeline, respondents are told that they will be attached to a special apparatus that, by measuring tiny changes in their muscles can assess their true opinions no matter what they say

(c) Bogus pipeline is an ingenious technique for studying memory

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans. (d)

20. Many studies indicate that the more frequently we are exposed to a given stimulus, the more in general, we tend to like it. This is known as

(a) Frequency of exposure effect

(b) Propinquity

(c) Proximity

(d) Nearness

Ans. (a)

21. Which one of the following statements is not correct about social norms?

(a) Descriptive norms tell us what most people do in a given situation

(b) Descriptive norms inform us about what is generally seen as appropriate or adaptive behaviour in that situation

(c) Injunctive norms specify what should or should not be done

(d) Injunctive norms specify merely what most people do

Ans. (d)

22. Which one of the following statements about attitude is correct?

(a) Thurstone scale to measure attitude is all point scale

(b) In Likert’s method, the subject has to indicate his response to a statement on a five point scale

(c) In “semantic differential method” developed by Osgood, the subject has to indicate on a seven point scale

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

78. Which one of the following options about impression formation is correct?

(a) We tend to weight negative information about others more heavily than positive information

(b) The more unusual the information about behaviour or traits the greater the weight placed on information

(c) Information received first is weighted more heavily than information received later and information from sources we trust is weighted more heavily

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

23. Impression management is

(a) The effort to make a good impression on others

(b) Self-presentation

(c) Efforts to maintain the impression formed by others

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans. (d)

24. Skinner conducted his studies on ______ in specially made boxes called Skinner Box

(a) Rats

(b) Pigeons

(c) Dogs

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans. (d)

25. Which one of the following statements is correct about tactics of impression management?

(a) Individuals use many different techniques for boosting their image

(b) Self-enhancement is the effort to increase one’s own appeal to others

(c) Other-enhancement is the effort to make the target person feel good in various ways

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

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