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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Psychology MCQ Sample Paper

Psychology MCQ Sample Paper

Model Test Paper Psychology

1. Thorndike put a hungry _____ in a puzzle box for his experiment

(a) Dog

(b) Rat

(c) Cat

(d) None of the above

Ans. (c)

2. Which of the, following methods of verbal learning is used to find out how participants learn the lists of verbal items?

(a) Paired Association learning

(b) Serial learning

(c) Free recall

(d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

3. ______ occurs most readily for strong responses in situations where the presence of others is motivating.

(a) Social relationship

(b) Social facilitation

(c) Socialization

(d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

4. _____, a cluster of interrelated traits and attributes assumed to be characteristic of certain kinds of individual.

(a) Prejudices

(b) Stereotype

(c) Attribution

(d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

5. ______ and his colleagues ‘in a Series of experimental , studies investigated

observational learning in detail

(a) Skinner

(b) Bandura

(c) Tolman

(d) Hull

Ans. (b)

6. Which of the following laws of learning on the basis of his propounded by Thorndike theory?

(a) The law of readiness

(b) The law of effect

(c) The low of exercise

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

7. Which of the following is an important schedule of reinforcement?

(a) Continuous

(b) Fixed interval

(c) Fixed ratio

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

8. _____ technique is based on the interaction between classical and instrumental conditioning

(a) Assertiveness learning

(b) Systematic desensitisation

(c) Biofeed — back treatment

(d) None of the above

Ans. (c)

9. Which of the following theories is like a set of correlations that enable us to go beyond the information given about a person and to fill in’ the missing data?

(a) A miniature theory of personality

(b) An implicit personality theory

(c) Attribution

(d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

10. ______are cognitions, or thoughts, about the characteristics of objects.

(a) Attitudes

(b) Beliefs

(c) Prejudice

(d) Perceptions

Ans. (b)

11. Systematic desensitization is used

(a) To eliminate habits that are undesirable

(b) To help those suffering from excessive anxieties

(c) To modify maladaptive behaviour

(d) To increase attendance

Ans. (b)

12. When something previously learned benefits, performance or learning in a new situation is said to be

(a) Positive transfer of learning

(b) Negative transfer of learning

(c) Zero transfer of learning

(d) None of the above

Ans. (a)

13. Which of the following factors influenced the learning?

(a) Motivational variables

(b) Fatigue

(c) Knowledge of result and feed back

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

14. _____ the father of behaviorism supported Pavlov’s ideas on conditioned responses

(a) Hull

(b) Johan Watson

(c) Tolman

(d) Skinner

Ans. (b)

15. ______ learning is different from conditioning and is limited to human beings

(a) Concept

(b) Latent

(c) Verbal

(d) Instrumental

Ans. (c)

16. Learning disability refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by difficulty in the acquisition of learning

(a) Reading

(b) Speaking

(c) Writing

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

17. The behaviour of children can easily be modified and shaped through the use of the:

(a) Classical conditioning

(b) Operant conditioning

(c) Verbal learning

(d) Concept learning

Ans. (b)

18. The measures the electrical resistance of the skin.

(a) EMG

(b) GSR

(c) EEG

(d) ECG

Ans. (b)

19. In the study of verbal learning, psychologists use a variety of materials including

(a) Nonsense syllables

(b) Familiar words

(c) Unfamiliar words

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

20. The most recent, and most promising, physiological measure involves______ recording from the major facial muscles.

(a) Electromyographic (EMG)

(b) Electroencephelograrn (EEG)

(c) Galvanic Skin response (GSR)

(d) None of the above

Ans. (a)

21. The first major attempt to formulate implicit rules was made by

(a) Bern

(b) Fritz Heider

(c) Festinger

(d) Carl Smith

Ans. (b)

22. _____ ,like most other attitude-measurement techniques, relies on the self-report of the respondents.

(a) Physiological measures

(b) Public opinion polling

(c) Interview

(d) Case study
Ans. (b)

23. The distinguishing feature of the approach is its emphasis on the individual’s “Phenomenology”.

(a) Developmental

(b) Social-Psychological

(c) Physiological

(d) Cultural

Ans. (b)

24. Which of the following therapies is used in the case of those children and adults who exhibit irrational and unfounded fear with accompanying avoidance behaviour?

(a) Implosive therapy and flooding

(b) Aversion therapy

(c) Modeling

(d) Biofeed — back treatment

Ans. (a)

25. Noted in his famous book on prejudice that interracial contacts lead to decreased prejudice only when the participants are of equal status.

(a) Fritz Heider

(b) Gordon Allport

(c) Carl Smith

(d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

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