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Friday, July 6, 2012

Psychology IAS Model Test Paper

Psychology IAS Model Test Paper
Man Behavior Objective Psychology Paper
1. Neonates in their first week of life
(a) Area able to tell from which direction a sound is coming
(b) Can distinguish their mother’s voice from other women
(c) Can initiate simple gestures like tongue protrusion
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)

2. A reflex rooting in the new born means
(a) Turning the head and opening the mouth when touched on the cheek
(b) Baby is held upright over a flat surface
(c) While there is a loud noise, the baby will throw arms
(d) Repetitive, rhythmic inhalation
Ans. (a)

3. Adolescents who are more vulnerable to drug, alcohol and nicotine have
(a) Low self-esteem
(b) Aggression
(c) Depression
(d) All of the above
Ans. (a)

4. The reflex Babinski means
(a) When the baby, is held upright he makes rhythmic flat movements
(b) When the bottom of the baby’s foot is stroked the toes fan out and then curl
(c) Repetitive, rhythmic inhalation and exhalation
(d) Rapid closing of eyes
Ans. (b)

5. Twins developed from different g cells are known as
(a) Dizygotic
(b) Monozygotic
(c) Zygotic 
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)

6. Many behavioural changes that occur in the early months of life are clearly related to maturation of
(a) The nervous system
(b) The muscles
(c) The glands
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)

7. Evidence about development stages indicates
(a) Overlapping of one stage with another is more common than a sharp transition
(b) Sharp transition from one stage to the other is more common
(c) Usually a deficiency from an earlier period can be corrected later
(d) Both (a) and (c)
Ans. (d)

8. “Mankind” and “My Kind” radius of significant relations in Erikson’s theory of psychosexual stages is related to
(a) Middle adulthood
(b) Early adulthood
(c) Later adulthood
(d) Adolescence
Ans. (c)

9. Erikson believes Devotion and Fidelity are the favorable outcome of the period called
(a) Adolescence
(b) Puberty
(c) Adulthood
(d) Early adulthood
Ans. (a)

10. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List-I                                                                                        List-II
Developmental states                                  Favorable outcome
A. Second year                                                            1. Method and competence
B. Sixth year-onset of puberty                                         2. Self-control and willpower
C. Early adulthood                                                      3. Renunciation and Wisdom
D. Later adulthood                                                       4. Affiliation and love
A              B              C              D
(a)             2              3              4              1
(b)            4              1              2              3
(c)             2              1              4              3             
(d)            3              2              1              4
Ans. (c)

11. Rubber band analogy for reaction range is used by
(a) Freud
(b) Curt Stern
(c) Erikson
(d) Mc Dougal
Ans. (b)

12. According to Jean Piaget
(a) People actively manipulate the objects and events around them
(b) People do not merely copy or learn reality as they develop
(c) People construct their own ways of understanding the world
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)

13. Infants cognitive development is expressed through
(a) Perceptual and motor activity
(b) Perceptual activity alone
(c) Motor activity alone
(d) Motor and thinking activity
Ans. (a)

14. According to Life Span Perspective (LSP) on development; the way i person behaves and acts depends on the context, which includes
1. What he inherited
2. Physical environment
3. Social and cultural contexts
4. Historical contexts
Select the correct answer from the options given below
(a) 1, 2,3and4
(c) 2 and 3
(b) 1, 2and3
(d) Only 4
Ans. (a)

15. Tendency for ‘centration’ in a child means
(a) Being too focused on a single perceptual quality for understanding an even
(b) Being too focused on a goal
(c) Trying to make oneself the centre of attraction
(d) Making an activity the main activity for the day
Ans. (a)

16. Consider the following statements
1. Surveys of parents show that fears are among the most common behaviour problems of early childhood
2. What children fear change markedly during the early childhood period
3. Fears involving thought and imagination increase sharply during the preschool years
Select the correct answer from the options given below:
(a) I and 3
(b) 1 and 2
(c) 1, 2 and 3
(d) Only 3
Ans. (c)

17. The concept assimilation in Piagets view mean
(a) Modifying one so as to fit in with existing characteristics of the environment
(b) Modifying one’s environment so that if fits into one’s already developed ways of thinking and acting
(c) Modifying one’s own behaviour
(d) Modifying one’s own environment
Ans. (b)

18. The concept of Object permanence is an important discovery of
(a) Sensori-motor stage
(b) Formal operational stage
(c) Concrete operational stage
(d) Preoperational stage
Ans. (a)

19. A pre-operational child has difficulty in arranging objects in a sequential order. It means a pre-operational child faces problem in
(a) Orderation
(b) Seriation
(c) Direction
(d) Numbering
Ans. (b)

20. Which of the following statements about Gender Schema Theory is correct?
(a) It is a theory proposed by Bern
(b) Children acquire cognitive frameworks reflecting children’s experiences with their society’s beliefs about the attributes of males and females
(c) It strongly affects the processing of new social information
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)

21. Neonates smile, when someone strokes their lips. This and other early smiles operate like
(a) Reflexes
(b) Emotions
(c) Pleasure
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)

22. The infants in a study, both when awake and sleeping showed greater responsivenes to the pre-recorded sound of another infant crying than to the pre-recorded sound of their own crying. This suggests that
(a) The infants are more attracted towards other infants
(b) The infants can tell the difference between the sound of their own cry and that of another new born infant
(c) The infants are curious to new things
(d) All of the above
Ans. (b)

23. Research comparing groups of persons of different ages in order to determine how certain aspects of behaviour or cognition change with age is known as
(a) Longitudinal Research
(b) Cross-sectional Research
(c) Cohort Effects
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
24. Symbolic Play is play in which
(a) Children pretend that one object is another object
(b) Play is conducted with symbols
(c) Play is symbolic for work
(d) Play is symbolic for pleasure
Ans. (a)

25. According to socio-cultural theory, “social interactions of adults with children provide mental structures, the children can use as they master new tasks and new ways of thinking” This is known as
(a) Help
(b) Scaffolding
(c) Visual cliff
(d) Framework
Ans. (b)

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