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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

GK (A&R) Model Test Paper for all Pre. Test

GK (A&R) Model Test Paper for all Pre. Test

General knowledge Practice Test

Directions: Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). In the context of the two statements, which of the following is correct?

(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

(b) Both A and Rare true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

(c) A is true but R is false.

(d) A is false but R is true.

1. Assertion (A) : The entire west coast of the United States has Mediterranean type of climate Reason (R): This region gets winter rainfall from ‘Westerlies’ winds.


2. Assertion (A) : Day and night temperature difference in the deserts is very small.

Reason (R) : Deserts have cloudless, clear sky and evaporation rate is very high.


3. Assertion (A): Most of the hot deserts are present on the western margin of the continents close to the zones of trade winds.

Reason (R): Zones of trade winds are charactensed by seas having reversal of planetary wind direction.


4. Assertion (A) : In June, the northern hemisphere of the earth experiences summer.

Reason (R): In June, the earth is nearest to the Sun.


5. Assertion (A) : Erosion is a process by which rock and soil particles are removed from the land masses and transported to other places.

Reason (R): Gravity is directly or indirectly responsible for erosion.


6. Assertion (A) : Rock masses break down into smaller fragments due to temperature change.

Reason (R): Weathering is the mechanical fracturing of rocks.


7. Assertion (A) : As one crosses the International Date Line from west to east, he gains a day.

Reason (R) : The earth rotates from west to east.


8. Assertion (A) : Saline soils contain injurious salts and are confined to the top layers of the soil. Reason (R): The salt - impregnated soils can be reclaimed by providing good drainage.


9. Assertion (A) : The population density is the highest in the Hooghly industrial belt in India.

Reason (R): The opportunities of livelihood are more in this belt


10. Assertion (A) : Social forestry programmes cannot be taken up in the country. Reason (R): Forestry programmes aim at meeting the commercial wood and timber requirements.


11. Assertion (A) : Tank irrigation is practiced in Tamil Nadu:

Reason (R): The slope of the terrain does not permit the canal irrigation.


12. Assertion (A): INS AT - I B is a geostationary satellite

Reason (R) : It is orbiting at such a speed that it appears to remain stationary with respect to the earth’s surface.


13. Assertion (A) : Punjab is an important exporter of rice.

Reason (R): Punjab leads in the production of rice.


14. Assertion (A) : Most of the seas in India receive rainfall during summer months.

Reason (R): India is located in the northern hemisphere.


15, Assertion (A) : The concentration of Indian coal in the north - east corner of the peninsula has always been a handicap in attaining planned targets.

Reason (R): The pithead output of coal in India has been suffering from labour problems.


16. Assertion (A) :: Most of the ‘exotics’ or plants that have come to India from outside are troublesome weeds which thrive here.

Reason (R) : They have no ‘natural’ enemies of their home land to curb them in new habitat.


17. Assertion (A) : Assam is noted for tea cultivation.

Reason (R): Assam is rich in alluvial soil.


18. Assertion (A) : The NALCO aluminum smelter plant is located near Talchar coal fields instead of in the bauxite zone of Koraput.

Reason (R): The most important requirement for smelting in an aluminums plant is availability of power on a large scale.


19. Assertion (A) : The western coast of India is charactensed by the location of several sea ports.

Reason (R): Western coast has evidence of deep sea water.


20. Assertion (A) : Italy, Switzerland, Sweden and Norway have abundant power resources.

Reason (R) : They have the largest coal deposits in Europe.


21. Assertion (A) : Mediterranean regions are covered by small trees and shrubs.

Reason (R): These regions are playgrounds of Europe.


22. Assertion (A) : In humid tropical climatic areas, undissolved aluminum, iron and manganese accumulate and make soil infertile.

Reason (R): High bacterial activity destroys humus.


23. Assertion (A) Spring tide is higher than the neap tide.

Reason (R) : Because the sun and the moon are at right angle to each other during this period.


24. Assertion (A): Winds are deflected to their right in Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.

Reason (R): Rotation of the earth causes the changes in wind direction.


25. Assertion (A) : France produces one among the best wines in the world.

Reason (R): There is a district Champagne in France which produces first class grapes, which are used for producing these wines.


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