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Friday, January 6, 2012

Psychology Model Test Paper

Psychology Model Test Paper

Psychology Practice Paper

1. Maslow proposed that there is a hierarchy of human needs. In the hierarchy which needs are at the bottom?

(a) Psychological needs

(b) Biological needs

(c) Physiological needs

(d) All of the above

Ans. (c)

2. A device for recording judgements about a trait is called

(a) Variable

(b) Rating sca1e

(c) Inventory

(d) Hypothesis

Ans. (b)

3. Variables that influence the correlations found in trait research have been called

(a) Independent variables

(b) Dependent variables

(c) Moderator variables

(d) None of the above

Ans. (c)

4. Air, food, water, sleep, sex etc. cover the ______

(a) Psychological needs

(b) Growth needs

(c) Physiological needs

(d) All of the above

Ans. (c)

5. Who among the following saw personality as composed of three major systems, the id, the ego and the super ego?

(a) Carl Jung

(b) Eric Erikson

(c) Sigmund Freud

(d) Eric Fromm

Ans. (c)

6. ……… defined personality “As the dynamic organisation within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment”.

(a) Sheldon

(b) G.W. Allport

(c) Kwarren

(d) Freud

Ans. (b)

7. A Person whose survival needs are met, but whose meta needs are unfulfilled, falls into a ______.

(a) Syndrome of decay

(b) Experiences despair

(c) Apathy

(d) Alienation

(e) All of the above

Ans. (e)

8. ………. was a psychiatrist who noticed that certain body types were associated with particular types of mental disorder.

(a) Sheldon

(b) Kretschmer

(c) Karl

(d) Eysenck’s

Ans. (b)

9. Which of the following endocrine glands help in the regulation of physical growth, mental attainment and sexual maturity?

(a) Pituitary gland

(b) Thyroid gland

(c) Parathyroid gland

(d) Adrenal gland

Ans. (b)

10. Intrinsic motivation is closely related to the _____ of Maslow’s hierarchy.

(a) Lower levels

(b) Middle levels

(c) Higher levels

(d) All of the above

Ans. (c)

11. ‘We become richer and more completely human when a balance is achieved between the conscious and unconscious, the anima and animus, thinking and feeling, sensing and intuiting, the personal and the ego, introversion and extroversion” is the concept of ……….

(a) Alfred Adler

(b) Carl Jung

(c) Karen Horney

(d) Freud

Ans. (b)

12. “Striving for superiority” is associated with ……….

(a) Freud

(b) Adler

(c) Horney

(d) Jung

Ans. (b)

13. The need for achievement can be described as a desire to meet an internalized _____ of ______.

(a) Standard, excellent

(b) Excellent, standard

(c) Excellent, Excellent

(d) All of the above

Ans. (a)

14. “Basic anxiety” is associated with ………..

(a) Freud

(b) Adler

(c) Homey

(d) Jung

Ans. (c)

15. “If a stimulus causes strong emotion, such as fear or pleasure, an opposite emotion tends to occur when the stimulus end” is the concept of _____.

(a) Opponent process theory

(b) Biorhythm theory

(c) Arousal theory

(d) None of these

Ans. (a)

16. “Collective unconscious” is associated with…………

(a) Freud

(b) Adler

(c) Homey

(d) Jung

Ans. (d)

17. A second area within the hypothalamus seems to be part of _____ for eating.

(a) Feeding system

(b) Set point

(c) Satiety system

(d) All of the above

Ans. (c)

18. The view of Freud “males are dominant of superior to females” is rejected by …….

(a) Alfred Adler

(b) Anna Freud

(c) Karen Homey

(d) None of the above

Ans. (c)

19. The _____ of motivation also assumes that the ideal level of arousal varies from one person to the next and that individual learns to seek a particular arousal level.

(a) Opponent process theory

(b) Biorhythm theory

(c) Arousal theory

(d) All of the above

Ans. (c)

20. ……….developed a type theory in which the types are actually personality dimensions, and every individual is scored or rated for his of her position on each dimension.

(a) H.J. Eysenck (1967)

(b) Gordon Allport (1961)

(c) Julian Rotter (1966)

(d) All of the above

Ans. (a)

21. The radical behaviorist view of personality is represented by ……….

(a) Neal Miller

(b) Abraham Maslow

(c) B.F. Skinner

(d) Carl Rogers

Ans. (c)

22. Who said “my life has been aimed at one goal only; to infer or to guess how the mental apparatus is constructed and what forces interplay and counteract in it”?

(a) Carl Gustav Jung

(b) Karen Homey

(c) Alfred Adler

(d) Sigmund Freud

Ans. (d)

23. Innate need for stimulation and information to nervous system is called _____.

(a) Primary motive

(b) Stimulus motive

(c) Secondary motive

(d) None of these

Ans. (b)

24. One of the best-known and most widely used objective tests of personality is the ……….

(a) Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament survey

(b) California psychological inventory

(c) Allport-Vernon study of values

(d) Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory

Ans. (d)

25. The MMPI measures major aspects of personality.

(a) 20

(b) 10

(c) 15

(d) 25

Ans. (b)

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