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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Geology Objective Sample Paper

Geology Objective Sample Paper

Solved Test Paper Geology

Q.1 The larger crystals in the core of zoned pegmatites are the result of the .... of the magma:

(a) Higher viscosity.

(b) Lower viscosity.

(c) More ion concentration.

(d) None of these.

Answer. (b)

Q.2: In felspars the cleavage planes are parallel to:

a) (100) face and (010) face.

b) (001) face and (010) face.

c) (010) face and (010) face.

d) Cleavage is absent.

Answer. (b)

Q.3: Calc-alkaline plutonic rocks are chiefly composed of:

(a) Felspars and pyroxenes.

(b) Felspars and micas.

(c) Quartz and pyroxenes.

(d) Felspar and Quartz.

Answer. (d)

Q.4: Amazon stone is a:

a) Bright green microcline

b) Gem variety or albite

c) Pink albite

d) Twinned orthoclare.

Answer. (a)

Q.5: When the groundmass is glassy in a porphyritic texture, it is called:

(a) Poikilitic texture.

(b) Orthophyric texture.

(c) Vitrophyric texture.

(d) Felsophyric texture.

Answer. (c)

Q.6: Jungel metavolcanic suite (central India) predominantly known for:

(a) Acidic basalt.

(b) Alkali basalt.

(c) Platean basalt.

(d) Tholiitic basalt

Answer. (b)

 Q.7: Quartz mineral belongs to:

a) Sorosilicates.

b) InosiIicates.

c) Cyclosilicates.

d) Tektosilicates.

Answer. (d)

Q.8: Alteration of volcanic rocks come about more or less automatically, the

alteration is called:

(a) Propylitic alteration.

(b) Hydrothermal alteration.

(c) Deuteric alteration.

(d) None of the above.

Answer. (c)

Q.9: Match the columns:


1. Panidiomorphic.

2. Hypidiomorphic.

3. Allotriomorphic. .

4. Glassy


i.Crystals subhedral. _

ii. Crystals are anhedral.

iii. Crystals are euhedral.

iv. No crystallisation at all.

(a) 1-ii, 2-iii, 3-i, 4-iv.

(b) 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iii, 4-iv.

(c) 1-iv, 2-iii, 3-ii, 4-i.

(d) 1-iii, 2-i, 3-ii, 4- iv.

Answer. (d)

Q10: Which is not the non-Crystalline variety of silica:

a) Cristobalite

b) Lecha telierite

c) Opal

d) Chalcedony

Answer. (a)

Q11: A common decomposition in basaltic rocks involve:

(a) Oxidation of Mg.

(b) Oxidation of Fe.

(c) Hydration of Fe.

(d) Hydration of K.

Answer. (b)

Q.12: Aplite is a:

a) Fine-grained, unequigranular rock.

b) Fine-grained, equigranular, paniodiomorphic form of a plutonic rocks.

c) Fine-grained, equigranular, allotriomorphic form of a plutonic rock.

d) Volcanic rock.

Answer. (c)

Q.13: Diatomite is a variety of:

a) Agate

b) Opal

c) Flint

d) Chert

Answer. (b)

Q14: Most of the mountain ranges of past geological times, show cores of:

(a) Granitic types.

(b) Granodioritic types.

(c) Dioritic types.

(d) Basaltic types.

Answer. (b)

Q.15: Anorthosite dominantly composed of:

(a) Oligoclase felspar.

(b) Anorthoclase felspar.

(C) Labrodorite felspar.

(d) Orthoclase felspar.

Answer. (c)

Q.16: "Alexandrite" is:

a) Magnesium Oxide

b) Beryllium aluminium Oxide

c) Mercury chloride

d) Titanium dioxide.

Answer. (b)

Q.17: Lamprophyres generally occur as:

(a) Batholiths.

(b) Dykes and sills.

(c) Plutons.

(d) Laccolith.

Answer. (b)

Q.18: Leucite differs in compositon from orthoclase in having a:

a) Lower ratio of silica to alumina

b) Higher ratio of silica to alumina.

c) Both silica and alumina are equal.

d) None of the above.

Answer. (a)

Q.19: What coarse-grained (plutonic) rock consists of abundant calcic plagioclase

pyroxene and ollvine:

(a) Syenit.

(b) Lamprophyre

(c) Peridotite.

(d) Gabbro.

Answer. (d)

Q.20: Rock containing enstatite and hypersthene along with plagioclases is called:

(a) Anorthosite.

(b) Monzonite.

(c) Norite

(d) Lamprophyre.

Answer. (c)

Q.21: Which polymorph of silica is found in deep interior of the Earth:

a) Citrin

b) Morain

c) Cairugorm.

d) Stishovite

Answer. (d)

Q.22: Syenite with alkali feldspar and plagioclase in almost equal amount is called:

(a) Norite.

(b) Kimberlite.

(c) Peridotite.

(d) Monozonite.

Answer. (d)

Q.23: Choose the odd one out:

a) Leucite

b) Nepheline

c) Scapolite

d) Nosean

Answer. (c)

Q.24: Name the coarse-grained (plutonic) rock consisting primarilly of sodic plagioclase and


(a) Syenite.

(b) Diorite.

(c) Gabbro.

(d) Granite.

Answer. (b)

Q.25: Dark - coloured variety of Nepheline is known as:

a) Eleolite

b) Cancrinite

C) Hauyne

d) Lazurite

Answer. (a)

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