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Friday, December 16, 2011

Zoology Solved Practice Paper

Zoology Solved Practice Paper
Model Test Paper of Zoology
1. Oxyntic cells in stomach mainly secrete-
(a) Pepsin
(b) H C I
(c) Mucous
(d) Lipase
(e) Ptyalin
Answer. (b)

2. Streptomycin was discovered by-
(a) Alexander Flemings
(b) Joseph Lister
(c) Wakesman
(d) W. Shockley
(e) None of these
Answer. (c)

3. A cardiogram is used to trace the-
(a) Growth of plants
(b) Pulsation of the cardiac nerve
(c) Defects in the small intestine
(d) Proper heart function
(e) Function of lungs
Answer. (d)

4. The poor children of the under developed Countries normally suffer
from a disease Known as kwashiorkor. It is due to the Deficiency of-
(a) Iron
(b) Calcium
(c) Vitamin A
(d) Vitamin B
(e) Protein
Answer. (e)

5. Edward Jenner discovered-
(a) Antiseptic surgery
(b) Small pox Vaccine
(c) Insulin
(d) Malaria parasite
(e) Radium
Answer. (b)

6. Which of the following is proteolytic Enzyme?
(a) Adenine
(b) Insulin
(c) Diastase
(d) Pepsin
(e) Thymine
Answer. (d)
7. The main function of prolonged chewing is to rupture
(a) membranes
(b) cell wall
(c) connective
(d) muscle bundle
Ans. (b)

8. With regards to natural eating habits, a human is
(a) an herbivore
(b) a carnivore
(c) an omnivore
(d) a granivore
Ans. (c)

9. Which of the following regions of the alimentary canal of man does not secrete a
digestive enzyme?
(a) esophagus
(b) Stomach
(c) Duodenum
(d) Mouth
Ans. (a)

10. Among mammals, an herbivore has
(a) more teeth than carnivore
(b) flatter teeth than carnivore
(c) teeth that are more pointed than carnivore
(d) fever teeth than a carnivore
Ans. (b)

11. About how much saliva does a person produce each day?
(a) 100 ml
(b) 250 ml
(c) 500 ml
(d) 1500 ml
Ans. (d)

12. Saliva has the enzyme
(a) pepsin
(b) ptyalin
(c) trypsin
(d) rennin
Ans. (b)

13. The original function of the vertebrate stomach was
(a) storage
(b) digestion
(c) enzyme secretion
(d) absorption
Ans. (a)

14. Peyer’s patches produce
(a) lymphocytes
(b) enterokinase
(c) mucous
(d) trypsin
Ans. (a)

15. Crypts of Lieberkuhn are present in
(a) pancreas and secrete pancreatic juice
(b) sma1l intestine and secrete digestive enzymes
(c) stomach and secrete dilute hydrochloric
(d) stomach and secrete pepsin
Ans. (b)

16. Which of the following plays a key absorption and distribution of fats?
(a) Lacteals
(b) Villi
(c) Secretin
(d) Segmentation movements
Ans. (a)

17. Which of the following cells of pancreas produce insulin?
(a) α cells
(b) B cells
(c) β cells
(d) T cells
Ans. (c)

18. Glisson’s capsules are found in
(a) kidney of frog
(b) heart of frog
(c) liver of mammals
(d) cerebellum of rabbit
Ans. (c)

19. Which of the following has both an endoskeleton and exoskeleton?
(A) Frog
(B) Cockroach
(C) Earthworm
(D) Snake
Ans. (D)

20. The dental formula of Rabbit is—
(A) 2, 0, 3, 3
1, 0, 2, 3
(B) 1, 0, 3, 3
2, 2, 0, 3
(C) 1, 0, 3, 3
2, 2, 0, 3
(D) 2, 1, 3, 2
2, 1, 2, 3
Ans. (A)

21. Which era could be called the age of mammals?
(A) Mesozoic
(B) Cenozoic
(C) Paleozoic
(D) Cretaceous
Ans. (B)

22. The suckers in leech are—
(A) One pair
(B) Two pair
(C) Three pair
(D) Only one
Ans. (A)

23. In Ulothrix, 4 ciliea are present in—
(A) Macro zoospore
(B) Gametes
(C) Both micro zoospore and gamete
(D) None of these
Ans. (A)

24. Most sponges are—
(A) Bilaterally symmetrical
(B) Vertically symmetrical
(C) Radical symmetrical
(D) Asymmetrical symmetrical
Ans. (D)

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