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Thursday, December 22, 2011

HYDROGEOLOGY (Geology) Test Paper

Hydrogeology Test Paper

Solved Geology Practice Test

Q.1: Groundwater flow map is also known as:

a) Isopach map.

b) Isocontour map.

c) Potentiometric map.

d) Flydraulic map.


Q.2: The maximum permissible limit of iron (as Fe) in ppm, in drinking water is:

a) 0.5

b) 0.8

c) 0.1

d) 1.5


Q.3: In the well development is the mechanical surging, the surge block should be operated:

a) Within the casing above the screen.

b) Within the casing below the screen.

c) Above the casing.

d) Below the casing.


Q.4 : Screen size is the size 81 the sieve which separates :

a) 40 % of coarser material.

b) 60 % of coarser material.

c) 90 % of coarser material.

d) 25 % of finer material.


Q.5: When the effective size and uniformity coefficient of aquifer material less than 0.25 mm

and 2 respectively then :

a) Gravel packing not necessary.

b) Gravel packing not effective.

c) Sand pumping

d) Well effectiveness is high.


Q.6: When salinity changes occur ln a vertical profile:

a) The lower portion of the aquifer should be tapped.

b) The upper portion of the aquifer should be tapped.

c) The middle portion of the aquifer should be tapped.

d) The whole aquifer should be tapped.


Q.7: The length of the screen is selected on the basis of the:

a) Thickness of the aquifer.

b) Anticipated drawdown and decline in the water levels.

c) Stratification of the aquifer.

d) All the above.


Q.8 Match the rock type with the 'drilling method Suitable:

I I ll

1. Granite i) Direct rotary.

2. Boulder Lrgravel ii) Reverse rotary. .

3. Loose Sired, clay iii) Down -the - hole hammer.

4. SEMCO dilated iv) Percussion

a) 1-ii,2 -iii, 3-i,4-iv.

b) 1-iii,2-iv,3-ii,4-i.

c) 1-i,2-ii,3-iii,4-iv.

d) 1-iv,2-iii,3-ii,4-i.


Q.9: A well consists of a large diameter concrete caisson, sealed at the bottom, with

radiating perforated casing in called :

a) Tube well

b) Rainey well

c) Cavity well

d) Bore well.


Q.10: A well through which water ls added to an aquifer ls called:

a) Discharge well.

b) Pumping well.

c) Qantas.

d) Recharging well.


Q.11 : Study flow implies that :

a) No change occurs with time in the aquifer.

b) Change occurs with time in the aquifer.

c) Change in the aquifer depends upon the aquifer characteristics.

d) None of these.


Q.12 : ln electrical resistive method, used for groundwater investigation, a current is generated In the field of frequency :

a) Less than 1 cycle per second.

b) Less than 5 cycles per second.

c) More than 5 cycles per second.

d) More than 10 cycles per second.


Q.13: ln gamma ray log method the gamma radiations is general increases with:

a) Increasing quartz contents.

b) Decreasing clay contents.

c) Increasing clay contents.

d) Increasing calcareous contents.


Q.14: Resistivity prattling technique helps in finding the:

a) Vertical in homogeneities.

b) Lateral in homogeneities for particular depth range.

c) Both vertical and lateral in homogeneities.

d) None of these.


Q.15: Electrical sounding surveys give information about:

a) Lateral variation.

b) Both lateral and vertical variations.

c) Vertical Variation.

d) None of these.


Q.16: Match the following columns:


1. lsobaths i) Equal thickness.

2. lsohyets ii) Equal pressure surface.

3. lsopacn. iii) Equal rainfall.

4. Isopiestic iv) Equal depth to water table.



c) 1-iv,2-iii,3-i,4-il.



Q.17: Residual drawdown is related to:

a) Recovery of groundwater.

b) Loss of groundwater.

c) No change in groundwater.

d) All of these.


Q.18: Darcy’s law is:

a) The discharge is inversely proportional to head loss.

b) The discharge is inversely proportional to head loss and directly proportional to the length.

c) The discharge is directly proportional to head loss and inversely proportional to area of flow and

to the length of the path.

d) The discharge is directly proportional to head; loss and area of

flow and inversely proportional to the length of the path.


Q.19: Groundwater boundary exists where:

a) There is a flow across a water table.

b) The inflow and outflow are equal.

c) There is no flow crosses a water table.

d) Groundwater boundary exists at any condition mentioned above.


Q.20: .................. indicate regions of groundwater recharge and..............

associated with groundwater discharge :

a) Concave contours / Convex contours.

b) Convex contours/ Concave contours.

c) Concave contours/ Concave contours.

d) Convex contours/ convex contours.


Q.21: in confined aquifer, water is released due to..........

.... Of rocks and........... of water

a) Decompression/comprehensive.

b) Decompression / Decompression.

C) Compression/ Decompression.

d) Compression / Compression.


Q.22: The change in the head per unit distance is:

a) The hydraulic gradient.

b) The equipotential gradient.

c) The flow gradient.

d) The Hydraulic head.


Q.23: The rate of groundwater movement ls gaveled by the:

a) Hydraulic conductivity of an aquifer.

b) Hydraulic gradient.

c) Storage capacity of an aquifer.

d) Both (a) and (b).


Q.24: Usually the configuration of the “Water table" indicates the:

a) Loss of groundwater.

b) Recharge of groundwater.

c) Direction of groundwater flow.

d) Fluctuation of groundwater.


Q.25: The approximate average penneabillty of clay is:

a) 0.004 m/day

b) 0.041 m/day

c) 4.10 m/day

d) 0.0004 m/day.


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