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Monday, December 19, 2011

Model Test Paper Psychology Online Free

Model Test Paper Psychology Online Free

Psychology Practice Test

1. Operant conditioning is influenced by

(a) Features of reinforces such as type, number, quality and schedule

(b) The nature of response to be conditioned

(c) The interval that lapses between occurrence of response and reinforcement

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

2. A technique for reducing dissonance by mentally minimalizing the importance of attitudes or behaviour that is inconsistent with each other is known as-

(a) Trivialization

(b) Affirmation

(c) Reducing dissonance

(d) None of the above

Ans. (a)

3. Awareness that one is publicly advocating some attitude or behaviour but then acting in a way that is inconsistent with this attitude or behaviour, is known as

(a) Hypocrisy

(b) Dissonance

(c) Compliance

(d) Less-leads to more effect

Ans. (a)

4. A genetically inherited impairment in the ability to experience pleasure is known as

(a) Phobia

(b) Hypochondria

(c) Hypohedonia

(d) Hypertension

Ans. (c)

5. Which one of the following statements about resistance to persuasion is correct?

(a) Reactance is a negative reaction to efforts by others to reduce our freedom by getting us to do what they want us to do

(b) In reactance we often really do change our attitudes in a direction exactly opposite to that being urged on us.

(c) The existence of reactance is one reason why hard-sell attempts at persuasion often fail

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

6. Cognitive processes involve

(a) The selection of information

(b) The elaboration of information in thought

(c) The storage of information in memory

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

7. Attitudes are

(a) Evaluations of aspects of the social world

(b) Often acquired from other persons through social learning

(c) Also formed on the basis of social comparison

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

8. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists

List-I List-II

(Approach to/models of persuasion) (Explanations)

A. Peripheral Route 1. A cognitive model of persuasion suggesting

that persuasion can occur through distinct routes

B. Elaboration Likelihood model (ELM) 2. The use of simple rules of thumb or mental

shortcuts in the evaluation of persuasive

messages; also heuristic processing.

C. Heuristic systematic model 3. Careful consideration of the content of

persuasive messages also called

systematic processing

D. Central Route 4. A cognitive model of persuasion suggesting

that persuasion can occur through distinctly

different routes



(a) 1 2 3 4

(b) 2 1 4 3

(c) 4 1 2 3

(d) 3 2 1 4

Ans. (b)

9. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

(a) Prejudice Negative attitudes toward the members of some social

group based on their membership in this group.

(b) Realistic conflict Theory Proposes that prejudice stems at least in part from

competition between social groups over valued

commodities or opportunities.

(c) Social categorization The tendency to divide the social world into two

distinct categories, ‘us’ and ‘them’.

(d) Stereotypes Suggests that increased contact between members of

different groups will reduce prejudice between them

Ans. (a)

10. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists:

List-I List-II

(concepts) (explanations)

A. Extended contact hypothesis 1. Involves some how inducing individuals to shift the

boundary between us’ and ‘them’.

B. Recategorization 2. Suggests that merely knowing that members of their

own group have formed close relationship with person

from the other group, can reduce prejudice.

C. Social influence 3. Attempts by one or more persons to change the

attitudes or behaviour of one or more others.



(a) 3 2 1

(b) 1 2 3

(c) 2 1 3

(d) 2 1 3

Ans. (c)

11. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists:

List-I List-II

(Concept) (Explanation)

A. Normative social influence 1. We conform in order to meet others expectations

and so to gain their approval

B. Informational social influence 2. Causing others to like us

C. Ingratiation 3. We conform because we depend on others for

information about many aspects of the social world



(a) 1 3 2

(b) 2 1 3

(c) 3 1 2

(d) 2 3 1

Ans. (a)

12. Which one of the following statements about attitude is correct?

(a) Thurstone scale to measure attitude is all point scale

(b) In Likert’s method, the subject has to indicate his response to a statement on a five point scale

(c) In “semantic differential method” developed by Osgood, the subject has to indicate on a seven point scale

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

13. Which one of the following options about impression formation is correct?

(a) We tend to weight negative information about others more heavily than positive information

(b) The more unusual the information about behaviour or traits the greater the weight placed on information

(c) Information received first is weighted more heavily than information received later and information from sources we trust is weighted more heavily

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

14. Impression management is

(a) The effort to make a good impression on others

(b) Self-presentation

(c) Efforts to maintain the impression formed by others

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans. (d)

15. Research conducted by Wayne and Liden (1995) on various impression management techniques used by new recruits during their first six weeks on the job, indicate

(a) The more the new employees engaged in self-enhancing tactics the more their supervisors liked them

(b) The greater the extent to which the employees engaged in other-enhancing tactics, the more their supervisors viewed them as similar to themselves

(c) Increased liking and increased feelings of similarity translated into higher performance ratings

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

16. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched about attributional errors?

(a) The correspondence bias We have a strong tendency to attribute others’

behaviour to internal causes even when strong

external factors that might have influenced their

behaviour are present.

(b) The Actor-observer Effect I behave as I do because of situational causes, you

behave as you do because you are that kind of person

(c) The self-serving bias I’m good, you’re lucky

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

17. ______Psychology asserts that human behaviour is culturally constituted or patterned.

(a) Clinical

(b) Cultural

(c) Social

(d) Abnormal

Ans. (b)

18. ______ refers to the cultural and psychological change brought about by contact with other people belonging to different cultures and exhibiting different behaviours.

(a) Socialisation

(b) Acculturation

(c) Modernisation

(d) Religion

Ans. (b)

19. Which of the following psychology is defined as the scientific study of the ways interaction, interdependence, and influence among persons affect their behaviour and thought?

(a) Cognitive psychology

(b) Psychoanalytical Psychology

(c) Social Psychology

(d) Cultural psychology

Ans. (c)

20. The most common method of measuring attitudes is the

(a) Public opinion polling

(b) Self-report methods

(c) Involuntary behavioural measures

(d) Classical conditioning measures

Ans. (b)

21. The measures the electrical resistance of the skin.

(a) EMG

(b) GSR

(c) EEG

(d) ECG

Ans. (b)

22. The most recent, and most promising, physiological measure involves______ recording from the major facial muscles.

(a) Electromyographic (EMG)

(b) Electroencephelograrn (EEG)

(c) Galvanic Skin response (GSR)

(d) None of the above

Ans. (a)

23. The first major attempt to formulate implicit rules was made by

(a) Bern

(b) Fritz Heider

(c) Festinger

(d) Carl Smith

Ans. (b)

24. The distinguishing feature of the approach is its emphasis on the individual’s “Phenomenology”.

(a) Developmental

(b) Social-Psychological

(c) Physiological

(d) Cultural

Ans. (b)

25. Which of the following theories is like a set of correlations that enable us to go beyond the information given about a person and to fill in’ the missing data?

(a) A miniature theory of personality

(b) An implicit personality theory

(c) Attribution

(d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

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