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Monday, December 5, 2011

English Sample paper For All Preliminary Exams

English Sample paper For All Preliminary Exams

English Practice Paper

Directions : In each of the following questions, out of the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the italicized bold part of the sentence

1. After his graduation, he had to pass through a period of privation.

(a) Hardship

(b) Uncertainty

(c) Prosperity

(d) Privacy

Answer. (a)

2. The Weavers have to do monotonous work.

(a) Repetitive

(b) Exhausting

(c) Irksome

(d) Autonomous

Answer. (a)

3. Now the fury of the demonstrators turned against the machines.

(a) Asperity

(b) Passion

(c) Rage

(d) Acrimony

Answer. (c)

4. He would have been his close associate had he not been disloyal.

(a) Employee

(b) Competitor

(c) Colleague

(d) Executive

Answer. (c)

5. All the streets looked just the same.

(a) Decisively

(b) Normally

(c) Exactly

(d) Slimly

Answer. (c)

6. His commands were so peremptory that we felt humiliated.

(a) Spacious

(b) Poignant

(c) Dictatorial

(d) Rough

Answer. (c)

7. At the Hardy house there was great consternation when Aunt Gertrude saw

Joe helping Frank up the stairs.

(a) Surprise

(b) Panic

(c) Gaiety

(d) Anxiety

Answer. (a)

8. The purpose of his speech was to lampoon the leading politicians of the day.

(a) Praise

(b) Expose

(c) Ridicule

(d) Defame

Answer. (c)

9. Sagacity increases with age.

(a) Wisdom

(b) Love

(c) Maturity

(d) Efficiency

Answer. (a)

10. I was shocked to see my friend lying at the edge of the road

(a) Side

(b) Bank

(c) Corner

(d) Border

Answer. (a)

11. Science has revealed the mysteries of nature to man.

(a) Released

(b) Disclosed

(c) Opened

(d) Cleared

Answer. (b)

12. Ever since the death of his mother, my friend is utterly forlorn and wretched.

(a) Frustrated

(b) Lonely

(c) Fearful

(d) Gloomy

Answer. (b)

13. He was admonished for the delay.

(a) Dismissed

(b) Admired

(c) Censured

(d) Advised

Answer. (c)

15. Everyone who has worked for him hammers home that point because they

feel that it is widely unappreciated.

(a) Hints

(b) Stresses

(c) Strikes

(d) Directs

Answer. (b)

16. During his stay in Canada, he had quite a few frustrating experiences.

(a) Disappointing

(b) Disenchanting

(c) Humiliating

(d) Repulsive

Answer. (a)

17. I tried to persuade him to change his mind, but he remained adamant.

(a) Foolish

(b) Aggressive

(c) Stubborn

(d) Defensive

Answer. (c)

18. There was always an imminent danger of the falling of that damaged roof.

(a) Constant

(b) Impending

(c) Remote

(d) Favorable

 Answer. (b)

19. He is a candid politician.

(a) Frank

(b) Faithful

(c) Fearless

(d) Soft spoken

Answer. (a)

20. She has an insatiable love for music.

(a) Undesirable

(b) Irreconcilable

(c) Unchanging

(d) Unsatisfiable

Answer. (d)

21. He is very discreet while deciding such matters.

(a) Obstinate

(b) Cunning

(c) Prudent

(d) Trustworthy

Answer. (c)

22. It is a scandal that the murderer was declared innocent.

(a) Rumor

(b) Silly notion

(c) Talk

(d) Disgraceful action

Answer. (d)

23. The raucous shouts of the audience forced the management to call off the show.

(a) Unpleasant

(b) Loud

(c) Harsh

(d) Harmful

Answer. (c)

24. What is the ultimate goal of life?

(a) Fixed

(b) Final

(c) Desired

(d) Immediate

Answer. (b)

25. We must eradicate corruption.

(d) Minimise

(b) Control

(c) Condemn

(d) Uproot

Answer. (d)

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